
Friday, July 23, 2021

Friday Funnies

Who doesn't remember when this paper product was in short supply last year?
Yet, there definitely was no shortage in this women's restroom in a CT waterfront restaurant last week. Multiple rolls were hung on a rope not clearly visible in the photo. This unkempt sight wasn't funny, but a visual reminder as to how things have changed over time for this necessity. 

This rope-strung TP apparently was in keeping with a nautical theme, it was a very messy display, and difficult to access without an alternative. While no excuse, this was a busy eatery and maybe this unsightly arrangement was done to lessen the need for frequent replenishment. (The image was taken in an unnamed popular Mystic, CT, restaurant.)

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone.
Nashua, NH, forecast is for a(nother) rainy Sunday


Bijoux said...

That looks like a mess!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Not only does it look like a mess it doesn't look very sanitary to me. Not a very good idea especially in a restaurant

Barbara Rogers said...

Ugh! Good to be reminded of how we began to hoard this, and how it was to not find any in stores, where we were allowed to only buy one pack at a time!

Jon said...

Made me lose my appetite....

Marcia said...

I had to take a second look and realized it was hanging near the floor. Crazy idea.

Edna B said...

I agree. There's no excuse for the paper being displayed/stored so messy. The one good thing -- at least they had paper there for you. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Vee said...

Oh phew! You dissed it so I don't have to. What were they thinking?! 🥴

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It seems mildly disgusting somehow, and I would think that it the health department inspected the premises they would declare it unsanitary. It is a sign of the times, however, that you had a camera with you in the washroom!

DUTA said...

It looks funny, but not sanitary.
I usually have paper with me when I go out. It's not in big roll format but in special tiny packages that are produced for traveling and trips.

My name is Erika. said...

At least this way no one runs out. Happy weekend.

Jeanie said...

I was just noting today I will have to buy toilet paper for the first time in quite sometime. And I didn't even hoard it last year!

Bindu said...

It was a hot commodity last year. I don't like that TP on the rope though.

Margaret D said...

Doesn't look good but an ingenious idea I guess, would need a long arm as when the rolls became less the last couple would sit in the middle.
In the old days, my grandmother would use tissue paper off the Sundays bread :)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

No, that wouldn't pass any health inspection in the UK - I know because inspecting toilets used to be one of the less glamorous parts of my job!

mamasmercantile said...

Not a nice sight, it would have put me off.

Laurel Wood said...

Not a good idea at all!

Emma Springfield said...

Somehow all I could think was how unsanitary it looks.

Lee said...

Definitely an odd way for a offer customers rolls! :)

diane b said...

Doesn't look too hygienic but better than none.

nick said...

Well, no shortage of toilet rolls in that eaterie! It reminds me of the perennial debate about which way round you should hang your toilet rolls - next sheet outwards or next sheet inwards?

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Haha -- there are at least a couple of reasons for this to be funny! I've taken two or three funny sign pictures in "ladies rooms" over the years and kind of always wonder whether or not to post them because of where they were taken. But I think I always ended up blogging them after all. I'm really glad you did. Always love your sense of humor.

David said...

Beatrice, This beats the hell out of going into a public restroom and discovering...too late...that there isn't any toilet paper! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Rain said...

Yeah Dorothy, I wouldn't feel comfy using that tp...I remember thinking about pathetic society was in March of 2020 when there was no TP on the shelves...I'm not a fan of panic mentality! I hope you're both doing well! :))

Susan Kane said...

I'm from the midwest, and nothing is surprising when it comes to the toilets.

Rob K said...

Major turnoff for a restaurant. Looks like some old tugboat.

I remember the Great TP Panic of 2020 and I stocked up in anticipation of a shortage.

It never happened--at least not in my neighborhood--but I did get through the winter without having to replenish.

DeniseinVA said...

Wow! That might be called "any port in a storm" :)

baili said...

it is funny though it is also sign that how it gets messy when supply take over the demand .once it was hard to find them around and they are lot .all the worth is time so true .

CrystalChick said...

My husband likes to have backup on certain items, toilet paper is one of them, so we had a fairly good supply when shelves were being ravaged last year.
Maybe they wee making a joke about how readily available it is now... or as you said... too busy to tend to the restroom. Whatever reason... yuck! Not too sanitary looking. But an interesting photo though. ;)