Dog-Gonnit! — A couple of doggie pics for this week's Friday Funnies . . .
This oversize doggie (not in the window) has been hanging out in a corner of the parking garage at the mill apts. It's been several months since he was first spotted in this corner, car-less too.

Ever wonder why dogs seek out fire hydrants as a favorite spot to pee?
Here's why according to online sources — vertical objects, like trees, hydrants, and posts, are better for advertising (you know what). The scent a dog leaves peeing as high up as possible carries better to be picked up by other dogs. Ground pee soaks in and can’t carry a scent. Since a dog's sense of smell is about 40x that of humans, this means a pooch can pick up multiple individual scents — now you and I both know.
Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
We're back in NH early next week
sometimes we will be walking fast and suddedly Beau will vear off to a pole or something vertical and his nose sticks fast, it is like he put out an 80 pound anchor, which stops me cold. this little guy can't pee very high, so his will get hidden. love the dog in the garage, how much is he? ha ha
That is an interesting tidbit on the fire hydrant!
There are times when I wish my cats would go outside and pee on a fire hydrant. The smell of urine in their litter boxes can be jolting and revolting...
Hopefully the doggie in the parking garage will eventually find a good home.
Boy! I''m glad that humans can't pick up on those scents. I learn something new every day.
Well thanks. Now I know! hahaha. I hadn't given it any thought, but now that you mention it ----- You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
Oooookay... did I want to know that?
Beatrice, We're back from a 2 week road trip so I'm catching up... Think about this. Imagine if people acted like dogs...leaving their scent and sniffing habits included. I think that years ago, part of this scenario was acted out on Saturday Night Live...when the show was still funny. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Dogs must be dogs.
That's really interesting. I'm always amazed at how much my Rufus can pee!!
We have a hydrant at the end of our driveway. All dogs like to visit it which gives a chance to check them out. Our border collier loved that hydrant too.
I just wish dogs would leave me alone. No smells please.
That's interesting something I hadn't thought about.
Well now I know, and both dogs are very cute.
Good info about the fire hydrant. I didn't know that!!
You learn something new everyday, or so the saying goes.
No fire hydrants like that in the UK; the doggies have to make do with trees and gateposts, which they do with great enthusiasm.
Hi Dorothy! :) Cute little plush puppy! You know I always said that when I walk the dogs and they sniff around, they're reading "the morning news" lol...learning what happened in the last 24 hours! :)
Cute little dog, the white one, near the fire hydrant!Well, dogs are dogs and I'm not interested in their pee smell.
Fire hydrants -- I never knew!
The oversize doggie is probably still wondering where he left the car. Was it on this level or the one above? He's getting a bit desperate because he wants to get home and tuck into his favourite dog food.
I never knew that about dogs peeing as far up as possible. I wish I had such a fantastic sense of smell - my sense of smell is virtually non-existent!
Well, I'm glad we got that settled. Now if we could only discover who let the dogs out...
PHew -- I think I'm grateful for a less acute sense of smell in this case! That big old dog is adorable. Too bad he is all alone out there ))
Well I'll be doggone. :)
I didn't know that about the fire hydrant!
Love the photos, Beatrice.
We don't have fire hydrants in the UK (now I'm wondering why), and after reading your post, I'm quite pleased!
i knew dogs have stronger sense of smelling things but did not know s much lol
i enjoyed the post and image is funny ,puppy is so cute :)
i just read your recent post and i am so happy that you are meeting family and friends whom you missed for two years ,such a treat and pleasure indeed !
saty safe and healthy dear Dorothy and Patrick !
Proving, to stand still for a long period can be dangerous and hazardous to one's health! :)
Never knew why dogs pees on things, now I do. ;)
Regarding your prior update post.... I've become such an inconsistent blogger/reader that I'm just thrilled when anyone stops by. I do appreciate that you visit my blog, whenever it happens. I have visited your friends Rita and Mildred, because they seem like sweet people and deserve all the kindness that can be offered. When I'm doing catch up I'll make sure to include them.
What a cute addition to the parking garage!
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