
Monday, March 15, 2021

Two and Done

At least that's what we're hoping as there has talk about people possibly needing a booster vaccine at some future date.

But for now, we're done and within 2 weeks will be considered fully vaccinated. On Saturday, we received our second shot of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. We're planning to visit family in RI for Easter weekend. It's been 16 months since we last met face-to-face, but who's counting? (we are!)
View from our car at Nashua high school vaccination site
But for now, we're done and within 2 weeks will be considered fully vaccinated. On Saturday, we received our 2nd shot of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. We're planning to visit family in RI for Easter weekend. It's been 16 months since we last met face-to-face, but who's counting? (we are!)

Friends who are in our age group, but with later appointments, wanted to know how we felt afterwards, that night or on Sunday. We had read that the most common side effects were in the arm where the vaccine was administered. These could include pain, swelling, redness or soreness. And, side effects throughout the rest of the body could be flu-like symptoms (chills, tiredness, headache or fever) which would go away in a day or two. Several people we know experienced one or more of these symptoms, including a much younger daughter in PA.

What was our personal experience?
Nothing like we had read about. Grenville and myself both experienced soreness in the arm that received the injection. We were advised to keep well-hydrated, so we both drank a lot of water.

Honestly, we were really tired on Sunday not because of the vaccine, but having to set the clocks ahead for Daylight Savings Time after already staying up late to catch binge watch Twilight Zone on Netflix. There's 4 complete seasons: season 1 (36), season 2 (20), season 3 (37) and season 5 (36) that totals 136 shows. All are in B&W with a run time of under 30 minutes. For some reason, there's no season 4 available (but this is the Twilight Zone).

In the past, we haven't experienced after-effects with vaccines for flu, pneumonia or shingles, even when two doses were needed. And, we had also heard that older adults fared better than younger.

As with the first shot, vaccinations were done outdoors in a high school parking lot. We received a vaccination card after that one and were asked several times to produce it, along with ID (driver's license was OK). Other than those requirements, nothing was needed and no paperwork to complete.
Moving forward and waiting our turn
The Vaccination Record Card we received last month was updated with the latest dose info and date. We made copies to keep in our wallets and the original will be saved in our medical files. We're also sending scanned images to our medical provider this week.

Completed vaccine card
NH is currently administering COVID-19 vaccine in Phase 1. Ironically, on St Patrick's Day, this week the state is launching its own Vaccine and Immunization Network Interface (VINI). The new website will replace the federally run Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS). State officials have said the state system is user-friendly and will be able to handle high amounts of web traffic. Something, many people have complained about with VAMS. Perhaps the new state system will be luckier for many.

Governor Chris Sununu says VINI will eliminate a major frustration with VAMS. Anyone who wanted to find an earlier vaccination appointment as vaccine shipments increased would have had to cancel a previously appointment first under VAMS. With VINI, a new appointment can be scheduled before an old one is canceled, easing concerns that someone could lose their appointment.
Lineup of cars was quite lengthy as we were leaving site
Our Saturday appointment was at 2:10 pm. We arrived at last 25 minutes early. The entire process took about 90 minutes. The waiting line didn't seem excessive when we arrived and we brought reading material. By the time we drove out of the parking lot, the line up was just about down to the traffic light intersection.

Last week, the NH governor announced that NH is lifting some of its coronavirus restrictions. Retail stores can once again operate at full capacity. Other restrictions being modified are for barber shops and salons  to allow walk-ins and waiting rooms, restaurants and bars  can have small bands and bar games. Domestic travelers will still be recommended to quarantine upon arriving in NH, but it's no longer required.

The mask mandate is not being lifted unlike in some other states.
Jersey barriers in downtown Nashua 2020

Meanwhile, downtownNashua restaurants are getting ready for another season of outdoor dining once again. The 2021 Outdoor Dining Season in Nashua is set to start today, March 15, and end on November 15,  2021. City officials have said that the Jersey barriers will begin going up this week. The city purchased the barriers last year and there's an initiative to have local artists paint them. That would be a welcome relief as they're certainly not eye-catching. A May 2020 post had complete information on their history.

Nashua joins other NH cities in bringing back outdoor dining with (quite literally) expanded on the street dining. Manchester, Concord, Derry, Portsmouth, Dover, Salem, Merrimack, Keene, Bedford, Exeter, Hanover, Lebanon, North Conway, Rochester and Peterborough are among communities that have already approved 2021 outdoor dining.
Homemade chicken soup and artisan bread, my COVID vaccine antidote
An after thought on our final COVID vaccination is that I prepared an antidote, in advance, because chicken soup cures everything (doesn't it). We enjoyed it with homemade bread last night before our season 1 Twilight Zone binge — only 3 more to go.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Two and done? I'd be happy to be one and started!

acorn hollow said...

So glad you got your second shot with no issues. It gave us such peace to have both vaccines. Our door dining in March will be chilly especially in Conway.
We are 8 degrees and the wind is blowing this morning.

Anvilcloud said...

Congratulations to you. You must be looking forward to visiting family. Just this week, they are beginning to book appointments for the 80+ group. Since we are still under 75, I think it will be another month before it is open to us, and I don't know how long we'll then have to wait. Strangely enough, some 60-64 people are now being vaccinated with the Astra Zeneca vaccine, which is not recommended for us older folk.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have three weeks before the 2nd one and can't wait to be done with it.. congrats to be done... I am not interested in eating in a street or out doors, rather bring it home and eat here. but there are many who will love it and keep the doors open for the restaurants. can't belinve there are barriers out there and i wish they would put them up on the borders of Florida and stop all the tourist and snowbirds from flocking to the sunshine bringing their maskless selves down here.

Marcia said...

Nice to ave that behind you, I'm sure. We have second shot scheduled for the 23rd, Pfizer. We have been told by friends who had the 24 hour reaction to drink lots of water, too. No waiting in the car line this time as the closed JC Penny's in West Lebanon is now the vaccine center. 2 weeks after we will travel to Buffalo.

Bijoux said...

That’s fabulous! I’m getting my first shot this week. I always have a sore arm for days when I get a vaccination, so I’m expecting that, but hopefully nothing else. It was a coup to just get an appointment and I will be writing a post about it next week.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both on getting your second shots. Yay! Roger got his two weeks ago and except for a sore arm, he was fine. I get mine on April 2nd. I am so looking forward to it. Yay! Yes, we're going to keep masking here in California. And we are looking forward to seeing the family in a nice gathering soon. Not exactly back to normal, but getting closer.
Thank you for the Twilight Zone news. We're going to have to take a look!

DUTA said...

Thanks for providing us a detailed account of your personal vaccination experience. I smiled at David's comment "..happy to be one and started". Well, don't worry David, you'll get started, but will it ever end? Probably not, at least once a year just as with the flu vaccine.

Edna B said...

Oh my, that soup and bread look soooo delicious! I still have no side effects to report from my vaccine shots. I hope opening up all these things works out to be safe. Enjoy your day my friend, hugs, Edna B. (snail mail on way)

Emma Springfield said...

The homemade soup looks great. And the bread is just right for dipping in the broth. Mmmmmmmmmm. Glad you got your vaccine.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great news, and I like that you were more focused on Twilight Zone than the stupid time change. Well, I like the evenings lasting, I just don't like the change! I had no effects from Moderna shot #2, though friends did. My son was being given the next day off following his second shot. It seems a good idea. Enjoy TZ...I used to like it when it was on my TV.

David said...

Beatrice, Congratulations on your second jab! We have to wait for another week for our second... I've already been planning day trips and short overnighters too. Tennessee has never mandated masks (unfortunately) but the larger cities operate under their own rules so the 4 bigger cities have required masks at one time or another. But with the spring break upon us, Nashville and Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg are swarming with folks not masking up! Could be a problem for sure. Love good chicken soup and will kill for fresh homemade bread! Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Jeanie said...

Chicken soup and the Twilight Zone -- sounds great to me! I'm glad all went well with your second jab. And it's good the system is working a bit better than before. Well done!

Christina said...

Hurray for having received two jabs! I can see family visits in your near future, how wonderful.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I get my 2nd dose of Moderna April 1. So glad you had no reaction.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I am so glad to hear neither of you had a reaction, Dorothy. Chatting with a man in Walmart this morning, after his 2nd Moderna, the following day he was tired and achy yet it only lasted a day and he's been fine since. My 2nd is this Saturday and, like you, Easter will be with the kids!!

Rita said...

Congrats on the second shots and not having a reaction--whoohoo!! I go on Friday and can hardly wait--even if I had a reaction the first time--LOL! Absolutely worth it. :)

Michelle said...

So glad to hear you both received your vaccines! I am waiting until the end of this month to receive my first, as I had Covid over Christmas.

William Kendall said...

Good that you've received your vaccinations.

My name is Erika. said...

My husband has had both of his shots and also had a sore arm, nothing more. I get to sign up next week. I can let you know how the new system works once I get into it. I am happy about more outdoor dining too. Although today was certainly not a day for being outside. Let's hope some nice weather arrives soon (later this week, maybe?) I can't wait to go out to eat again. Good that now that you're both vaccinated you can plan an Easter family get together. That is exciting news!

Margaret D said...

I'm sure many would love to say they had had their first vaccine - wonderful you have and so looking forward to visiting family after all that time..good on you.

nick said...

A bit of a fuss on this side of the pond over the AstraZeneca vaccine. A lot of countries have suspended vaccinations because a few people have had blood clots. Medical experts say there's no evidence the blood clots were caused by the vaccine, and anyway the incidence is less than you would expect in the general population pre-vaccinations.

Bill said...

Good for you two, fully vaccinated is great news indeed. We are having delivery problems in the EU so we have a while to wait. :(

Rob K said...

Great news! I got my first and looking forward to No. 2.

I surely do love The Twilight Zone and that chicken soup and homemade bread look delicious. Save a bowl for me!

Doris said...

So good to hear you didn't have a lot of issues with the second dose. We are hopeful for the same results when we get the second one on April 1st...and that's not an April Fools joke =)) Your soup and bread look so good. Nothing like some good chicken soup!

LL Cool Joe said...

I've had my first vaccination, about 2 weeks ago. The UK are flying through them now, and my next jab is in May. We are not completely safe until we have the top up, and the UK is still in lockdown anyway. No where is open yet apart from essential shops.

Enjoy your trip!

Stevenson Q said...

Yumm Yumm Homemade bread! Ughh Vaccines! We still have no concrete plans on how these will be administered to us here in the PI but one thing for sure is the China vaccines are top priority by our government so everything else seems to be on hold. I'm waiting for Moderna as well and before that time comes, all we can do is wait (we all have been for more than a year now right).

Hope your visit to RI went well. My dearest manager lives in RI and I hope someday I can visit her someday. Haven't been to the East coast ever. Stay safe and hydrated dear Beatrice!

Lee said...

No vaccine for me yet...but loads of bingeing.

Lately, I've been going "retro", too. Presently I'm bingeing on "The Good Wife", having re-watched "Grey's Anatomy", and am waiting for Seasons 15, 16, and 17 to drop. I'm also bingeing on "The Guardian" (only 2 episodes a week, unfortunately)...having done "The Mentalist" (I love Simon Baker). And I throw in a couple of episodes every day or so of both "Ally McBeal" and "Boston Legal", to lighten things up...just for the fun.

I've just finished watching Season 1 of "Firefly Lane"....I liked the series. It leaves us with a I hope Season 2 isn't far away.

Jon said...

The blog posts on my readers list always show up late, which is why my comments are usually last.
I'm sure we are all ready to celebrate when this Covid crisis is finally over.

I've been binge watching Poirot episodes from PBS and the old 1960s Alfred Hitchcock Hour.
Your homemade food looks FANTASTIC!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

So great that you have gotten vaccinated and I hope you do well! Thank you for keeping our son Zack in prayer. The food looks so good!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We got our first and are waiting for the second. So glad!