
Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday Funnies

 Have you logged in today?

This log carrier was in front of our vehicle for quite a while on a drive, so there's was plenty of time for a photo. Grenville provided the caption for my photo. He's very clever that way.

Many Thanks to everyone who left a comment on my previous post about our completion of the COVID vaccine process. It was encouraging to read that others have completed phase one, two or both. Also, discouraging that others have still unknown wait times both in the U.S. and other countries. 

We're thankful our experience went well with no side effects other than a sore arm, and hope that everyone will be vaccinated over time. Personally, we've heard about and even know some folks who are wavering on the vaccine, whether to or not get it. Hopefully, they and others will come to see that it's seen as an important hurdle to return to somewhat normal standards.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Some warmer weather is here next week.


Anvilcloud said...

It appears that AstraZeneca has been deemed safe after some foofaraw. And the USA has promised to ship some to us -- 1.5 million doses IIRC. So far it is being used just for the 60-64 age, but I imagine that will change now.

Marcia said...

Tell Grenville that's a great caption. Following those log trucks is scary for me. I give them lots of space.

Susan Zarzycki said...

Many years ago I traveled a lot between here in Maine and Danville, Quebec. I had a baby strapped in on the passenger side and away we would go through long and winding stretches up through miles of woods known as the Carrabassett Valley. I inevitably would always get behind a logging truck, the baby would wake up and I would have to stop. It was logging country. And they seemed to drive really fast on those two lane roads. I found it all a bit nerve wrecking!🌸

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have to say, yes I have logged in and if I were not logged in i would be found in the obit column, it is the first thing I do when i get up..on my Tablet, i check the radar and the temps at rising and a few other thigs to

DUTA said...

Fascinating picture! I like it.

Anonymous said...

Love that caption! It's perfect.

Jon said...

What an amazing photo! At first glance I didn't know what it was.

Edna B said...

Isn't it amazing how that truck can carry all that weight? I'd be a little nervous staying behind this truck for very long. It's a great photo though. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We now have an appointment to get our shots - just two days from now. That will be a relief.

Bijoux said...

That doesn’t look like a fun vehicle to be behind.

Emma Springfield said...

I know people who have said they will not take the vaccine. There are a variety of reasons. Most are not good ones. Most of these people are vigilant about children getting their required shots. I'm puzzled.

William Kendall said...

That's a lot of lumber.

Lee said...

Great pic...and yes, obviously I am logged in. Actually, I am always logged...or almost always! :)

Take good care. Beatrice. Enjoy your weekend. :)

Rita said...

Great caption!
Glad you two are vaccinated. I hope everyone decides to. :)

Margaret D said...

Logged that's great!
Here they are called 'log trucks'.
Glad all is well for you after the vaccine.

diane b said...

Fun caption. Lucky you, being vaccinated. We are still waiting but there is no Covid in our communities in Australia only in Quarantine hotels. So the wait is not a problem.

Linda said...

Good for you in getting the vaccines! We did but some people are still a bit wary. Everyone must decide what is best....
Logged in!! That IS clever!!
Wishing you both a good weekend and I am so happy for you that you will get to see family soon! That's been a long time!

LL Cool Joe said...

I can't wait to get my next jab. Yes there were talks about blood clots but very low risk, and a much higher risk in not having the jab and getting covid and dying from it!

Polly said...

'Logged in', very good Grenville. I don't think I would want to be behind that though. We are doing very well with our vaccinations here in the UK, the over 50's are being done now. I will hear from my GP when my second one is due.

Doris Fahnestock said...

Good caption. But following a truck like that (and car carriers) makes me nervous!! Yes, I too wish that all would see the benefit of the vaccine but sadly I have family and friends who will not be getting it. It will be a happy day when everyone in this household is eligible...with kids, it will be some time yet. (So far 1 fully vaccinated, 2 partially, 5 to go!)

Barbara Rogers said...

Great caption for just the right photo, which of course reminds me of following a few logging trucks around here - or wherever I've lived. Not a pleasant experience!

David said...

Beatrice, Logging trucks make us a bit nervous too when we're behind them...but big dump trucks full of gravel are far worse and riskier too. Freshly cut timber smells so good...but the down side around here are lots being stripped bare for new home construction. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Jeanie said...

That's a great image! I'm with those who try to pass those trucks packed with logs (or gravel)

nick said...

I can't see the trees for the wood....

Buttercup said...

Love the caption and photo. I logged in early and had a Zoom chat with my travel buddies. We canceled 2020 (like most everyone I know) but we're looking forward to this fall and a trip to Asheville. We're all vaccinated and so looking forward to getting back to our annual trip. Take care!

My name is Erika. said...

I've been to that dam. It's on the the Currier and Ives scenic byway. My daughter is part of the committee that developed the byway. Anyhow, one fall she and I drove it so I could see it and we stopped at the dam. Yup, outside of the cities and seacoast there is still some snow, (like in my neck of the woods) and if not snow, mud. But it is still nice to get out and change the scenery and enjoy the weather. Wasn't it wonderful? Looks like you had a nice day out! Glad you found some interesting things on the way too. Happy last full week of March. Hope this weather lasts.

L. D. said...

That is a heavy load of logs.