
Monday, February 15, 2021

One Down

And, one to go, sometime next month.

What I'm referring to the COVID-19 vaccine of which we both received the first shot this past Saturday afternoon. So far, we have not experienced any reactions — none at all. Thankfully, there's been no distressing symptoms for either of us.
Even though this is winter in New England, we received out vaccinations outdoors at a local high school parking lot. We had pre-registered on the VAMS (Vaccine Administration Management) on January 22 under Phase 1B. Grenville signed up and I was a "plus 1" which meant that when he signed up, my name was also included as a spouse.

Once our names were checked off the pre-registered list, we drove into the parking lot, where IDs were checked and we were instructed on what "could" happen after the vaccine was administered.Some family and friends, including fellow bloggers, who have already received both doses reported feeling sick after the second one. The nurse who administered the vaccine told us that over the counter medications, such as Ibuprofen, could be taken to alleviate any temporary discomfort. 

The most common side effects in the arm where the vaccine was administered can include pain, swelling or redness. Side effects throughout the rest of the body can include flu-like symptoms of chills, tiredness, headache or fever. Such side effects can be expected within a day or two of getting the second shot, but should go away within a few days.

In the past, we haven't experienced any after-effects with vaccines for the flu, pneumonia or shingles vaccinations, even when there have been two doses required.

Oddly enough we found people asking us beforehand if we knew which vaccine we would be receiving, Moderna or Pfizer. It seemed like an odd question to us because our reply was a standard: We don't know, but it really doesn't matter as there's no picking a preference. Also, selecting one over the other isn't possible as that depends on where you live and availability.
We received this Vaccination Record Card which was completed at home. We received the Moderna brand vaccine with doses 28 days apart. (By comparison, the first and second Pfizer vaccine shots are spaced 21 days apart.) On the back of this card is written the date and time of our second (and final) which will be on March 13 at the same place and same time as this past weekend. We will be termed fully vaccinated two weeks after the second dosage.

We're very grateful to have pre-registered without much difficulty and hope that, in time, many more folks will be able to register and receive the vaccine. Hopefully, it's one more step to overcoming this pandemic, returning all our lives to normalcy and being able to travel and safely visit family and friends. It's been far too long for all of us.

Comments on a late January post showed that folks in many other U.S. states and Canada either didn't have a scheduled appointment or had not heard when one would be available. Others in the UK had already either been vaccinated or had received notification

How about you — have more of you been able to register in your state or country and receive an appointment date and time? 

Belated Happy ❤️ Hearts Day wishes to all. Ours was spent at home with a wonderful meal prepared by Chef Grenville. Of course, the holiday card fairies left a couple of sweet cards. Our day ended by watching the 1993 film, Sleepless in Seattle, which culminates with a couple (Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan) meeting at the observation deck of the Empire State Building on Valentine's Day a remake of the 1957 film, An Affair to Remember (Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr). This film was also remake of a 1939 film, Love Affair (Charles Boyer and Irene Dunn).
Yesterday morning, a fellow resident left off an unexpected treat of home made cookies, some of which we enjoyed as part of our dessert. 
No, we didn't eat all of these on Sunday as we had ice cream already planned for our after dinner dessert. Yes, they were very good.


acorn hollow said...

My husband and I also received the moderna vaccine neither of us had any symptoms after the first one. The second one husband had a day of blah but didn't slow him down much. I had about 10 hours of achy and a few extra hours of sleep but then did my 4 mile walk so not bad. they recommend you do not take any motrin etc before your shot. It was very organized and took about 15 minutes total for the whole process. Husband is 2 weeks out today I will be a week out Wed. We are so thankful we were able to get the shot.
sounds like a nice valentines was had the cookies look yummy

Anvilcloud said...

Congratulations on both the shot and the lack of side effects. The current provincial priority is to get second doses to healthcare worked and more vulnerable seniors.

Bijoux said...

I’m so glad to hear that you were able to get the shot and no side effects! My mom is 81 and still on waiting list as there’s no vaccine available in her county. I’m afraid it will be summer before I’m eligible. Looks like it was a yummy day yesterday!

Marcia said...

I'm glad to read you had no side effects. I hope that will be our experience come the 23rd. Also good to read that your second appointment scheduled with your first shot. Sounds like VAMS has its act together.

Barbara Rogers said...

What good news from you this morning! So gad you've received your first dose. I got mine about the last day of Jan, and am due to go back on 2/27...mainly because it's also a Sat. at the same clinic...but outdoors in the parking lot also. Moderna was my preference and that's what I got. I just thought not having to have been frozen such a low temp as the other one would make it better somehow. Now if just everyone (who wants one) can get theirs!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Here in the UK, because of our national Health System, the process is simple: you receive a letter then go online and book your jab at your nearest centre. I'm booked in for next Monday. All the over 70s have been already given the opportunity to have their first vaccination so now they're starting on us 65 - 70 year olds. We're going to have to wait a few weeks for the second jab though as a result of the decision to give as many as possible at least some protection from one jab. I just hope it works!

Coastal Ripples said...

Good to hear your news. We too were vaccinated on Saturday but we wait another twelve weeks for the second dose. Won’t it be great when everyone is vaccinated and we can get back to normal. B x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great news on your vaccines... we are on HUGE list of LOTTERY drawings, both registered as plus spouse, a month ago. they draw names every 5 days and call and tell us when and where. I only persoally know 2 people here who got the call. we are dealing with snowbirds that resdie here 4 months a year that are in the mix so millions of us old folks still waiting


Glad to hear the process went well and you both got your vaccines. was surprised to hear they were outside, though. My hubby got his and will shortly be going to get his 2nd jab. Fingers crossed no side effects. Sounds like your HEART DAY celebration was nice. the cards are sweet. those cookies look yummy too.

Anonymous said...

Really great news that you both got your first vaccine shots, and all is well. I like the idea that your husband registered for both of you. That makes so much sense. I wish that is how it is handled here... it's not. I'm not on any list yet, although I have registered. Roger gets his second shot on Friday. I'm hoping to get my first some time in March. Take care there and stay safe and well.

Edna B said...

Such good news about your shots. I get my first one Wednesday. I wish my daughter could get hers at the same time but they did not let us know about the caregiver being able to get the shot when we did until after my appointment had already been made. She does so much to help keep me safe from the virus so I think she should be able to have her shot now too. Those cookies look delicious! You have a wonderful day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Beatrice,

So good to know that the vaccine process is rolling out at speed and that you have already had the first dose. It all helps to make one feel that we are all moving closer to taking control of the COVID situation and that is good news indeed.

We are in Hungary, so talk of which vaccine is routine here. Sputnik V from Russia is an alternative. One cannot help but wonder if launching into space might be an after effect of receiving that particular vaccine. Or, will it be 'ad astra'!!!

Bill said...

Good to hear that you both got your first shot and no side effects. They started vaccinating 85s and older today. We'll get ours next sometime next month. We are still in lockdown until late April or May. It will be nice to go somewhere else. :)
Happy belated Valentine's Day.

Emma Springfield said...

Perhaps those of us who have received our vaccinations reporting that we are having no ill effects will encourage those who are reluctant to go get theirs. We are all trying to do our part to squelch this disease.

David said...

Beatrice, You certainly have gotten a lot of positive feedback about receiving the vaccine! We will get our first jab a week from today! It will be a problem if 30 - 35% of the US population doesn't get the vaccine...because they don't trust it medically or they believe that its some kind of nefarious plot to control the world. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Christina said...

That's great news, very pleased to read it went all smoothly. I am a vaccine trial participant so may or may not be vaccinated. I can ask to be unblinded once I am invited for my vaccine but my age group is still at least a couple of months in the future. Here's to our future!

DUTA said...

Here, there's a drop in the number of those getting the vaccine. Partly because of the CEO of Pfeizer , Albert Bourla, who hasn't got it either. Why? His explanation is a bit feeble, something to do with his age, only 59, lol.
The truth is there are many who consider vaccination a personal health aspect, do not want part in the herd immunity of the millions.

Rob K said...

Glad to hear that you got your first shot.

I'm still a little young for the vaccine, though that might change in the near future. I hope so.

My sister and auntie got their first shots and are scheduled for the second one early next month.

Let's hope this is the first step back toward life as we knew it...

L. D. said...

We are on a list. They seem to keep using up the doses on other people not in our age group so I am not holding my breath. Our state is horribly disorganized without a sound plan.

Carola Bartz said...

Congratulations on your first shot! That is good news. In our county the roll out of the vaccine has been a disaster and people are quite mad. There's also a lot of "vaccination envy". I'm not even telling anyone here when it is my turn - soon, since I am a school employee. However, I only believe it when I see it. - My friend had a really bad reaction after the second Moderna shot, she was quite sick for a few days. I'm a bit concerned, mainly because I might have to cancel classes if I become sick as well, but better a few days sick than many weeks with this horrible disease.

Karen Lakis said...

Good for you for getting your first vaccine! I’m not sure yet when I’ll be eligible, but I figure it’s just good that the vaccine process is moving along - even with the bumpy process.

Red said...

You've given lots of good information on Covid 19. We've heard nothing about vaccinations here even though I'm in my eighties.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOOT! WOOT! So glad you two had no side effects, although I've heard that a sore arm (similar to the flu shot) may be a result. The Pres had his 2nd this past Friday and had no reaction whatsoever either! My appointment is the end of the

William Kendall said...

As I am in the low risk group, I don't anticipate getting access to vaccines until late spring at the earliest.

Jeanie said...

How nice to have such a special surprise at your door! I get #2 tomorrow. Fingers crossed the after effects are minimum -- but ask me if I care? I'm just glad to get it!

Rita said...

Nice that you two got your first doses! Hurray! Glad they didn't bother you, either. :)

My name is Erika. said...

Congrats on getting your vaccine. My husband is suppose to get his shot #2 in at Mass General this Friday, but who knows what is going happen snow wise, and having to drive into the city if they get snow may cause him to have to change it. I can't go until 2B, so who knows when that will be. Maybe May or June, depending on supply. Hope your next vaccine goes well.

diane b said...

Its so good to hear that the US and UK are getting the vaccine out to millions of people. We were one of the lucky countries that got the virus under control but we are one of the slowest to roll out the vaccine. It only arrived in Australia last week. Vaccination of health workers starts next Monday.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The vaccine rollout here has been slow to say the least. It is complicated by the fact that we have no domestic source of vaccine and are at the mercy of shipments from from overseas, and there have been numerous delays. Improvements are supposed to be on the horizon, and then I suppose they will tell us how we go about getting the magic potion into our arms. Like you, we have never before had an adverse reaction to any vaccine, single doses or double.

Polly said...

What a great Valentines day you had, lucky you with your in house chef :-) I'm glad you didn't have any after effects, I felt tired and ill with a headache, but it didn't last long. I'm bemused by people asking which one I had, like you, we don't get a choice and they are both equally effective. Stay well Beatrice.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Glad to hear that you got your first shot. We completed our second Moderna vaccine two weeks ago. Had only rather mild pain at injection site and both MaryLou and I felt listless the next day and had mild night sweats, but registered normal body temperatures. We welcomed this as evidence that the vaccine was stimulating an immune response.

Doris said...

How wonderful you got your first dose! We are still on several lists but no vaccine's available. Our state is trying (I guess) to get their act together. Our county has a high population of those who can get it, again, not nearly enough vaccines available. The only communication we've received so far is information we already vaccine available but they are working on it. I'm sounding like a broken record ☺☺

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Love the card and sweet! So good that you have had no side effects and that you will hopefully be safe from the virus!

baili said...

how nice you guys got first doze of vaccination dear Dorothy

list of side effects sound scary but this was grace of Lord you had none of it ,i wish goodness and health for you and all who get vaccination now

your fellow resident sound so sweet :)
