
Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday Funnies

Spring may be coming sooner than the calendar date if these kayakers are any indication. 
The mallard ducks, frequent river users now, watched from icy sidelines. Yes, I also wondered what the ducks were thinking!
This colorful kayaking group was spotted on the Nashua River midweek when temps reached a daily high of 45 degrees. Both the kayakers and the ducks were in approximately the same area, but I couldn't get a complete shot of both, so this is a collage photo. Yes, also wondered what the ducks were thinking!

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Predicted to be a rainy one in Nashua, NH


acorn hollow said...

I like to kayak but that would scare me if I went into the water to cold.

William Kendall said...

I was fooled too.

Anvilcloud said...

I see in the 14-day forecast that most days will exceed freezing but not by much. And so we shall wait. Sigh.

Lois Evensen said...

Neat pictures. Ah, yes, the weather is strange right now for sure. The temps will be over 50 today, but we still have ice and snow on the ground.

DUTA said...

Both the kayaks and the ducks look lovely!
We've got 21 %C today, and plenty of sun- so no complaint.

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Dear Beatrice,

This is very funny and shows how sensible ducks are compared with humans. Although the ducks may have cold feet, that is surely preferable to an icy bottom or, even worse, an arctic plunge!

Anonymous said...

I love the photos together like this. Makes me wonder what the ducks must be thinking about those crazy humans in their colorful kayaks!

Bijoux said...

What a pretty area. I’ve only kayaked once and it was in the warm(er) waters of the Pacific.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the ducks were probably thinking Silly Goose!

Jeanie said...

They are intrepid souls. I don't relate to intrepid souls!

Emma Springfield said...

We are having balmy weather right now. I know we are being set up. There will be more winter.

Barbara Rogers said...

Very cool collage...pardon the pun of cool when talking about icy water, and ice with ducks standing upon it.

Vee said...

Looks promising. It would be nice to have spring arrive right on time according to the calendar. Earlier than that would be a great blessing.

nick said...

The ducks are probably wondering why the humans aren't just swimming and why they need those funny floaty things.

Edna B said...

What an interesting photo image. I'll leave the kayaking to the younger folks and watch from the sidelines with the ducks. Enjoy your day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The ducks are thinking that it was early in the year for seasonal species to return to their area! (And brrr, it is!)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I hope that no one has the misfortune to overturn a kayak. That water would be friiiiiigid! But the ducks handle it with aplomb - and they don't even need a kayak.

DeniseinVA said...

Two super images Dorothy. Have a great weekend :)

Rita said...

Seems too cold to be out on the water--for humans. ;)

Marcia said...

Brr ... makes me shiver just to look at the photo.

mamasmercantile said...

Not sure that is for me, but good for them getting out on the water. I smiled at the ducks watching on.

My name is Erika. said...

I’m curious what the white is that separates the kayakers from the ducks. It was a gorgeous day. Maybe still a little too cold for kayaks but obviously that’s just me. These folks seemed to love it out there

Bill said...

I was wondering too what that white line was until I read it was a collage. Nice photos, hope it gets warmer for you. Have a wonderful week.

Polly said...

Many years ago I was out horse riding. We passed a golf course and someone said "Look at them, they must be mad playing golf in this weather", then we realised they could be saying "Look at them, they must be mad horse riding in this weather"!! I like your collage photos. The kayaks are lovely colours. I've never tried kayaking and don't want to, I'm not confident in open water.

David said...

Beatrice, Way too cold for me to be on the water in any open conveyance. It's in the low 70s with some rain today in East Tennessee. As for a kayak, I'd never be able to get in and out of one at this stage in my life although we do have a lot of kayakers around here. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

That’s a beautiful photo, Beatrice.

45F is so COLD! 😊 It’s already in mid 80s here.

Rob K said...

Nice photos!

I suspect the ducks have a rather low opinion of the kayakers and hope that paddle away as soon as possible.

Lee said...

The ducks were probably wishing those damned humans would hurry up and get out of the water! And also how dumb the humans are having to bring their own paddles and floating craft with them when the ducks have their own built-in! It comes naturally! :)

baili said...

you are so clever to turn image as intriguingly dear Dorothy :)

i enjoyed it a lot ,duck too seems to stunned by the attempts of human and are concerned lol

absolutely amazing and gorgeous shot !
blessings to you and yours !

Stevenson Q said...

Dearest Beatrice!!! This is super cute! I love how the ducks on this one seem to be cheering for those kayakers! Super cute! I've heard from my Boss yesterday that the winds on their area in RI are so strong, hope it's better there in NH. Here in the Philippines, weather has started to warm tremendously and the humidity is a killer. I hate summers to be honest! Especially that we cannot go to the Sea! Hope you are well, safe, and happy dear Beatrice!


Doris Fahnestock said...

Had to be a chilly ride! Looking forward to warmer weather though.

L. D. said...

It would be too cold for me to be out on that water. Love the ducks.