
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Frozen for Awhile

During Thanksgiving weekend, Nashua, NH, held its biggest holiday event called "The Winter Holiday Stroll.Grenville volunteered with crowd control during the event, whilea friend and I visited several of the venues.

This annual event is always held the Saturday after Thanksgiving when an estimated 20,000 participants descend to stroll the downtown area, listen to musical performances, dine out in local eateries, and shop locally. 

Downtown business stay open during this event which starts at 4:30 pm and ends around 9:30 p.m. An event highlights is an ice sculpture completed on-site in front of City Hall. (The bell in this photo is the city's original fire bell.)
One of the event highlights is an ice sculpture done in front of City Hall. In past years, the completed pieces melted within a day, this year due to an 18-inch snowfall after the Holiday Stroll, they remained intact for a couple of days.
This year's theme consisted of characters from various Toy Story films. It's been many years since, Grenville or myself saw any of these films, although we did recognize, Woody and Buzz Lightyear.
And, we also recognized Forky and Mr Potato Head. 
The sculpture event was sponsored by Shaws, a New England based supermarket chain, which has a location in downtown Nashua.
By mid-week, temperatures unbelievably were in the mid-40s-50s and these sculptures were gone.We're glad to have seen them when all the holiday stroll crowds had gone.

Thanks to everyone for comments on my sending holiday cards post. I appreciated your replies, Understandably, it's a personal, and in many cases financial decision.


DUTA said...

I like the City Hall building; it looks quite dignified.
The ice sculptures - a real wintery attraction for all ages!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I always enjoy seeing photos of the ice sculptors' art - not much chance of seeing the real thing; although we do get cold weather occasionally it's so unpredictable here.

gigi-hawaii said...

Very nice holiday condition. Over here in Hawaii, we have Christmas tree lights at City Hall, complete with statues of Santa and Mrs. Santa dipping their toes in a water fountain.

Anvilcloud said...

I am glad for you that the event went well.

Were the royals there? Is that why Grenville was required for "crown control"?

I am being an ass. I have just gone into my own most recent post to correct typos or whatnots. It drive m crazy. I type, edit, proofread, and still find problems later. Grrr.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ice sculptures are fantastic! glad it was cold enough to give them a little longer lifespan... ha h on the royals comment. I knew it was auto correct for crowd, but that is funny from Anvilcloud.. sounds like a good time and can also do a little shopping too

Emma Springfield said...

You are in a Winter Wonderland. How fun.

Michelle said...

Sounds like a fun event and I love those ice sculptures. Nice that they stuck around for a few days.

Red said...

You people know how to have a good time.

Valerie said...

I knew I should have emigrated! You have such a good time all the time which is more than I can way for where I live.

Jon said...

It must be incredibly difficult to make an ice sculpture, and it's a shame they melt so quickly.
I really like the City Hall photo and fire bell.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I love those ice sculptures.

Here it’s warm and humid again, but we expect rainy and cold days next week.

Doris said...

How nice that the sculptures stayed around longer this year. You really had a lot of snow!

My name is Erika. said...

This is really cool. I have never heard of it, but it sure looks like a nice walk about. I am guessing you took these after Thanksgiving weekend when we got all that snow. But I like them and I think you got some super photos. Hugs-Erika

baili said...

i always wonder how hands work smoothly while creating something with ice dear Dorothy

these sculptures are really amazing and interesting to look at :)

seems like frozen characters in city of magic lol ,sun melts them away ,how wonderful :)))
thank you for sharing the fun at your part of land :)

L. D. said...

Too much snow for me. Fun display.

William Kendall said...

Those ice sculptures are lovely!