
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Do You or Not . . .

Send holiday 🎅 greetings?

After telling Grenville a while back that I might skip this tradition this year, he replied, Sure you are not which means Of course, you will.

And, he was right.

That's why for the past few days, I've mostly abandoned blogging to write Christmas cards. It's not politically incorrect for me to write the traditional Merry Christmas vs. the all-purpose Happy Holidays. But, I'll select an appropriate card if I know the recipient's religious (or not) preference. 

Every one has a personal note, some longer than others, and always handwritten. For the first time, some included a letter, printed on holiday stationary as I had several designs, it was turn-about fun doing a dozen or so to relatives and friends who have afflicted us sent them to us in past years and it was kept very brief.

While addresses are also handwritten, our return address is on pre-printed labels done on my computer to include a snowman, penguin (of course), or moose (this is New England). It's also fun (for me) to include these colorful stickers on each envelope.
How many cards do I mail out ?

It averages about 125 for domestic and international mailings, including 20 that aren't posted, but hand-delivered to folks in our mill apt residence.

Some people I've talked to cite rising postage/card costs as having halted or curtailed their card mailings. (I get that since from 2018-2019 U.S. First Class postage went from 50 to 55 cents.) Others send e-cards or text greetings.That's doesn't work for me as I believe there's nothing like sending a personal card/message for a holiday, birthday, condolence, anniversary, friendship or just because especially amid all the junk mail that's received.

Do we get as many cards as sent ?

Never, but it doesn't matter. My card list has 2 columns: "Sent" and "Received." The Sent column is always used. I've mistakenly sent duplicates, so tracking is needed. The Received is usually ignored, so I plan to delete it.

How about you — are you sending/cutting down on Christmas 🎄 card mailing ?


Anvilcloud said...

I reverted to e-wishes for the past few years, but I will send a few traditional cards this year as I had a few with one of my pics sent to me as a thanks you for using my base photo. But just a few.

Christina said...

We write a few cards to people far away. I am always late with this.

Edna B said...

I still enjoy sending Christmas cards. Each year, I design my own card using a photo of my little dog. He brings me so much joy throughout the year and I share him with everyone else on my Christmas card. No, I don't get as many as I send, but I do get quite a few, which I really enjoy. I enjoy sending out my cards so I'll keep doing it as long as I can. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I had to organise the sending of cards for my mother when she began to have problems with her memory and for years I used to decorate her tree too. I used to do these things "just to keep her happy", but she died two years ago and I'm still sending cards to some of her friends and hanging baubles on that tree!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We hardly send any cards now, people seem to stop sending them. Mostly because of the cost. This year we made our cards and either sent them by post or posted them through the letterbox because they were local.
125 cards could cost up to £140 or $173 to send. That would be way too much for most people to spend especally if they are retired and living off a pension. I admire you for doing so by we don't hav ethat many people who were would send to.

Anonymous said...

There was a time when we sent holiday cards out to family and friends. That stopped a few years ago. We still get some cards in the mail, and can't tell you how much I appreciate it. My family is Jewish, and we never celebrated Hanukkah. No cards, no menorah. We also never had a Christmas tree. So, I tend to look at the season like a celebration of Solstice and a return of the sun.

Ludwig said...

Sadly we have given up sending Christmas and holiday greetings to our friends. Writing has become more difficult and painfully slow to make it legible. We hope all will understand that we still wish all a joyous time and have our friends in our thoughts.

Emma Springfield said...

I used to send cards. Then I got lazy. I have not sent cards in several years.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think it has been about 10 or 12 years since I last sent Christmas cards and even then I only sent cards to the ones who sent to me because of guilt feelings. I decided I don't feel guilty and stopped sending any at all. cards were for contacting people back in the old days, when we had no contact with others. to me daily contact with people through phones and social media, is enough contact. we are bomabred with messages all day every day.. no need for a card or a letter. of course it is up to you and if you like doing it go for it and enjoy. Merry Chrismtas today from me

Jon said...

I LOVE the tradition of sending genuine, handwritten Christmas and birthday cards. It is so thoughtful and personal.

I used to do it, but now that I live in the wilderness mailing cards is nearly impossible - unless I make the long drive into town.
Also, the rapid rise in postage always scares me.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

As you know.......I love handwritten letters and cards! Hope you get many Christmas cards in return!

Red said...

We cut down years ago. We do send out a letter. I'm surprised that it doesn't get much response but I will keep sending it.

Valerie said...

125? Wow! Very close friends and relatives is all I send cards to. The rising cost of postage was prohibitive so I and others had to adopt new procedures.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I don’t send traditional Christmas cards anymore. The few I send are e-cards. However I agree that there’s something very special about handwritten cards sent by mail.

Doris said...

I admire a card sender! I would like to send cards (and a handwritten personal message is indeed special!) but it's more stressful then it's worth. Years ago I came to terms with the fact that I am NOT a card sender person ;-)

William Kendall said...

I don't, for the simple reason that Christmas is a difficult time of year for me.

My name is Erika. said...

I don't like writing Christmas cards because some people (like my family) just complain about my penmanship. So I always put it off. Good luck with yours. Hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

I stopped writing a send receive list. To me, it's the sending the cards that I love to do and the rest doesn't matter. Timing can be hard and they might arrive late, but I don't see myself ever going electronic or just stopping!

baili said...

i agree that no other way can be as beautiful and touching as the tradition of sending handwritten cards dear Dorothy :)

best wishes through text and digital media can not deliver the same warmth of love and emotions word we write with our hands to greet our loved ones
i loved the look of these pretty precious cards ,they look like glimpse of the beautiful world inside you :)