
Monday, July 3, 2017

Summertime Decos

The best thing about our apt entry is that we have an area with a shelf and are able to include seasonal and/or holiday decorations. This is our current display. The expense was minimal as all items were purchased from a local Dollar Tree store. 
All that's missing is sand, which would be a bit messy. I'm not saving the beach toys and when the season ends, everything goes to our youngest granddaughter Lilliana. The flip-flops are too big for her and will be given to a young friend here.
These flags were formerly displayed on the porch and in the yard of our VA home. A friend gave me the idea of using dowel rods to them hang on the wall. (Thanks, Marty).

Percy Penguin and Phineas Frog, are also from our VA home and donned patriotic colors, to celebrate the July 4th holiday. Their "outfits" are dollar store finds too.

During the our 12 years that we lived in VA, we always decorated our home. It's fun being able to able to continue that "tradition" despite being apartment dwellers now. We also enjoy the fun comments and smiles from residents passing by our door.

Do you decorate the outside of your home as well?


Blogoratti said...

Beautiful displays and what a cutie with the sunglasses. Warm greetings to you!

baili said...

lovely decorations!!!

they are so cute and colorful.

your granddaughter is so adorable !

i never tried out walls though but i love to decorate the walls inside for special events

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your granddaughter is so beautiful. and you are blessed to have a place outside your door, not all can do that. my friends in condos can't put anything out, not even a wreath on the door.

Connie said...

Your granddaughter is such a cutie. Fun decorations outside your door!

mamasmercantile said...

You are certainly blessed with a beautiful Grandaughter, she is adorable along with the décor.

Emma Springfield said...

I so love to see the way you have decorated your little cubby. It is always so inviting.

Michelle said...

I do decorate and I am glad to see that you decorate your apartment area. LOVE the sand items. So cute!

Anvilcloud said...

Sue changes our little porch with the seasons, but she may not quite reach your levels of enthusiasm and commitment. :)

William Kendall said...

Quite cheerful!

DeniseinVA said...

Your granddaughter surely is a real cutie pie. Great photos again!

Lynn said...

Lovely decorations! I just put a Christmas wreath on my door at the first of December and leave it up until December 31. It has little white lights in it - I love it.

possum said...

Nope, no decorations here... I let my garden decorate my little corner of the world - currently Day Lilies and phlox. Crape Myrtle starting, couple oleanders, butterfly bushes, caladium, geraniums, impatiens... that sort of thing. Brings lots of butterflies!