
Friday, July 14, 2017

Friday Funnies

Somewhere in Nashua, a young lady is missing a shoe, perhaps it's Cinderella? 
This isn't the first time I've found and photographed a lone shoe on the sidewalk or roadway. It always has me wondering, how do folks lose footwear? (This one was photographed on site on the sidewalk near the entrance to a bank in Nashua, NH.)

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


Anvilcloud said...

I assume that alcohol or some such had something to do with it, but you never know.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we find them in our street a lot... mostly they are tiny tot shoes, we think they throw them out the windows.

William Kendall said...

I occasionally notice a stray shoe. If it's a toddler shoe, I'll place it on a bus shelter bench or something else that stands out. It's a lot easier for a toddler in a stroller to lose a tree than it is for an adult walking!

Emma Springfield said...

I wonder too. Why would only one shoe be there?

Stephanie Faris said...

I'm guessing alcohol was involved.

Doris said...

Can't say I've ever come across a single shoe!

Ginnie said...

Oh, that's definitely Cinderella's shoe. She lost it as she took off with the loot and didn't dare take the time to pick it up with the cops in pursuit.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, her shoe hurt her feet so she left it behind.

Anonymous said...

It does make you wonder!!!
God bless your weekend.

Connie said...

That is a mystery why just one shoe would be left behind like that. I imagine that maybe it fell out of a tote bag or some such story as that.

Red said...

Interesting. I'll bet this shoe could tell a good story.

mamasmercantile said...

If only shoes could talk...

Christina said...

Ah yes, the lone shoe. A common sight here in Glasgow. They are usually of the male variety though, well worn to downright shabby. I have also seen the odd boxer short.

Ida said...

Strange Phenomenon for sure. One day while hubby took a different way home I spotted a fur lined boot tacked up to a telephone pole. Sadly I didn't have my camera with me and by the time I thought about going back the boot was gone.