
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Here, There and in VA

This post is advance notice of our road trip. We wish it was all fun, but some is not. I've done some advance blog posts for your entertainment, including a couple of Friday Funnies as they are such fun.

The ability to read and comment on other blogs will be somewhat limited. It's because there's no Internet service at our VA house which we're going to check on it and also, very importantly, to change realtors. 

That's where we'll be all next week.

The fun part is this weekend when we celebrate our granddaughter's birthday in RI. It will be great to enjoy family time before conducting the not fun house stuff. 

We had hoped that this blog's namesake, The Frog & Penguinn, would have a new owner by now. It's a 10 hour drive from NH and we're back on the VA eastern shore every 6 months. The trip includes an overnight in our native NJ. Thankfully, there's friends to visit in both states, so the trip does have its merits. 

Yes, there's been a couple of recent offers, just not the right ($) ones. We're willing to bargain within a reasonable range, but when an offer is $50,000 lower . . . ???

While it's been said that two are better than one, lately we're not so sure about that statement.

There's two St. Joseph statues buried in the front and back yards, no kidding, and the house is still unsold. If you're not familiar with this practice, check online and YouTube, both have info about it. We bought one of the statues a few years ago; the other was a gift from apartment neighbors and former homeowners here in NH. 

We're keeping our hopes (and prayers) up.