
Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Funnies

A Friday Funny last month was about mis-directed water. Here's another one!

Is this how to grow a paved road — by watering it?

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


Anvilcloud said...

I trust there is no water shortage in your area.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you do not want to hear my husband when we see this sight.. he raves and rants and climbs on soapbox and on and on and on....the thing is people here have them on timers and they run during the night time, we drive early am and will see the same ones doing this for many days because they don't know.

Connie said...

Ha! I don't think it will help it grow much. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Emma Springfield said...

Now I know how to do it!

Doris said...

....but you get a free car wash. All is well ;-)

Michelle said...

What a waste!

William Kendall said...

That is a waste of water, and a sign of incompetence by whoever set it in place.