Yessireeee!!!! We had our first snow the other day. I know ours was not much compared to some of the other parts of the country, BUT it was exciting for us. Here are some shots for Home and Mine Falls Park.

Not enough for the new Snow Shoes from last year, but it's a start.
Hope that everyone has a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving and remembers to Give Thanks for what you have.
mother nature must have thought it was Christmas not Thanksgiving and came early... I love the shot of the city from above. so beautiful. love that big white house
Our snow is gone for now (finally). But the cold weather is here for good. I love the weather vane.
We had snow for the first time over the weekend. A little of it is still sticking around but not much of it. Nice pictures. Happy Thanksgiving!
We've had it too, and for now it seems to be staying.
We had a little more than you (a snow day actually) and are having a bit more now.
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