
Monday, January 11, 2016

Mystery Solved

Actually, it wasn't very much of a mystery as we very much appreciated the "secret Snowman" who left us several new additions to our apt entry. An earlier post showed photos of our ever-increasing snow-folk gathering.

After that post, this personalized snow couple joined the group. 

As before, we asked fellow neighbors if they "did the deed" to no avail. We also posted on the resident portal here seeking to thank the culprits responsible folks. No one fessed up, which was OK as surprises are always welcome as are mysteries!

But NOW we know — recently as we welcomed in the new year with some bubbly, our neighbor, Cathy, told us that she was our anonymous donor.

As the shelf is full, we're hoping the snow-folk population remains stable — until next year, at least.


Country Gal said...

That was lovely they are soo cute ! Thanks for sharing , have a good week !

DeniseinVA said...

Now that is very sweet of someone. They are cute!

Anonymous said...

How nice of Cathy to do that. Blessings!

L. D. said...

Your snow people remind me of the snowmen ornaments that I have on my Christmas tree. The noses are put on in the same crooked manner and my three or four of them looks like they are drunk. Your two are cute and it is nice for people to surprise you with them.

Anvilcloud said...

It was a fun mystery while it lasted. Maybe it's too bad that it's solved?

Emma Springfield said...

Cathy put some fun into your Christmas display. She obviously has a marvelous sense of fun and seems like someone to cultivate as a friend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cute mystery surprise.

William Kendall said...

That's very good of her.

Ginnie said...

Nice to have thoughtful neighbors !

Connie said...

The new additions are so sweet. How nice to have such a thoughtful neighbor.