
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Unexpected Travel

We are currently in our native NJ for a family visit. Unfortunately this is not a happy holiday road trip. My mother was admitted to a hospital over the weekend and at 91 years of age, any admittance is a serious matter.

After getting the call from my brother Sat night, Grenville (Pat) and myself (Dorothy) took care of things at home. On Monday after loading up, we drove the 6+ hours to NJ in two vehicles. Pat is continuing to New England by the end of this week for family visits in RI and CT, where folks there are also dealing with family/medical issues. I will stay in NJ for Christmas week. While this was our original plan for this holiday season, it started a week earlier than expected.

We don't yet have an "official" diagnosis arriving at the hospital late last night. However, nursing staff told us the "issues" included dehydration and an infection. 

Thanks, in advance, for your thoughts and prayers; all are greatly appreciated.

The above photo was taken a few years ago at the CT home of Pat's aunt, who is also facing serious medical issues. And, while only a photo, we hope these candles offer the light of hope for everyone, especially those dealing with similar situations.


Rebecca said...

What a scary phone call when you live so far away! I hope she feels better soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

will pray for both families.. thanks for the update and the beautiful candlelight

Ginnie said...

It's always sad when sickness rears its ugly head but it seems even sadder during a Holiday season. You will be in my thoughts.

Debbie said...

soothing light!! sending prayers and best wishes, my thoughts are with you!!

Anvilcloud said...

Aw, that's too bad. It's a tough time of year for sickness and hospitals.

Anonymous said...

God bless you all. Keeping you in our prayers.

Unknown said...

been through this, and dehydration is so common in elderly especially in winter then often a UTI develops...sending prayers and good thoughts to you and your Mom...

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You know you are in my thoughts and prayers...:)JP

William Kendall said...

Keeping you in my thoughts...

Cicero Sings said...

Sorry to hear about Mom. Hopefully she will pick up quickly. It seems, ahem, "older" people do not drink enough ... I know me Mither doesn't!!! As for the infection, hopefully that clears up soon. Best not to be in hospital too long. I'm sure your visiting was a pick me up in itself.