
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Frosty Flamingoes

We had an overnight frost yesterday, which while not the first of the season, came after 2+ days of rain, Grenville was hoping for at least one snowflake (me too), but nary a dusting here.  We’ve been enjoying snowy and frosty images on fellow bloggers site; maybe next time for us.

That said, the frost made for a beautiful morning view outside our kitchen window. berry lites

Those are NOT not holiday lights, but light reflections from the berry-like (called pomes) of this pyrocantha shrub by the side patio. It produces flowers in late spring and early summer; pomes develop from late summer and mature in late autumn, just in time for the holidays. Many folks use the pomes in natural decorations.Frosted berries2

DSCN5531My first thought was to title this post “frosted windowpanes” in keeping with the holiday time and hearing that line from Christmas Waltz in my mind. But my Jeep windshield isn’t a good replacement — not even close.

Frost-covered foliage presented wintry images during a short walk around the Frog & PenguINN yard. Pine trees would have been wonderful if snow-covered, but there’s still lots of winter weather left.frosted pinesFrosted foliage

We still have had some fresh parsley and a very large rosemary bush, which manages to hang on despite all types of weather and several re-plantings.frosted herbs

Interesting images, at least to me, were everyday objects that had tiny frost hairs(?) clinging to them, however briefly — a grill thermometer, frozen bird bath, railing, car mirror — and a light with a great winter cap.frost patterns1

Some backyard frogs (penguins were obviously smarter) were still hanging out in the yard; one even managed some reading.frosted frogs

About that post title, it refers to these two backyard residents that didn’t fly south (or anywhere) for the winter, plastic wings don’t do well for flying.frosty flamingoes

Sure, we would have liked white vs. wet weather, especially at the holidays. We know that folks in other parts of the U.S. may be wishing otherwise after getting (lots of) snow. If that’s affected you or loved ones, we hope all are safe.

How are your pre- holidays going?


Anvilcloud said...

You have certainly documented the frost well and thoroughly.

Montanagirl said...

I like your "frosty" photos. Frost always provides some neat photo ops.

Connie said...

Beautiful frost photos, and I love those red berries too!

William Kendall said...

Beautifully composed shots here, Beatrice!

Out on the prairie said...

the flamingos topped it off

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have flamingo's but not with frost. i think my favorite is the collage of odd things with frost. amazing how the frost decorated so beautifully. those pyromaniac berries were daddy's least favorite thing, because the birds swooped down, gobbled them up and then made deposits on everything in sight.

Country Gal said...

Fantastic photos ! Frost and snow make for good photos ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

barbara l. hale said...

Lovely frosty photos! But that pyrocantha shrub is really beautiful!

L. D. said...

Yep your flamingos are frosty. I like all of your fosty shots. I assume snow will hit there someday.

Leonora said...

Your frosty hair photos and especially those flamingos made me smile. They look like bald-headed men with just a few hairs poking up!