
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Feeling Better

Thanks to all for the well wishes for Grenville’s recovery. He really appreciated reading your comments and commiserations too.

Both he (and Pat) are feeling better. He’s busy in the kitchen preparing some of the fixings for turkey dinner. I snapped a quick photo before he asked ordered me to leave. (We tend to get very territorial about our kitchen work areas.)

turkey day

A fellow blogger (MadSnapper Sandra) noted that holidays are ALL about the people. We wholeheartedly agree as we celebrate a belated Thanksgiving today with friends.

We are thankful that these friends delayed their celebration too — there’s only SO many turkey sandwiches we could eat (or maybe not)!

And, be sure to visit MadSnapper’s blog to see her great December header; there’s a tutorial as well. Thanks, Sandra.


Anonymous said...

I hope (and know) it will be a good dinner with Your comapny :-)

Have a great day!

Out on the prairie said...

Got some nice ciabatta to make turkey sandwiches with yesterday at my favorite Italian grocery.

Lois Evensen said...

Enjoy! We are still eating turkey, and ham, and pumpkin pie, and fudge cake, and.... Well, you get the picture. We also still have four of the grand kids here since Thanksgiving. Pick up by parents is scheduled for 2 PM today. :)

Montanagirl said...

I bet that dinner will be wonderful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a ginormous turkey and would last you a LOOONG time. the good thing is you have friends on the way and maybe they will take home leftovers. enjoy your day. thanks for the compliment

Connie said...

I hope you enjoy a wonderful dinner.

Country Gal said...

I am always kicking Papa out of the kitchen unless he wants to help me make cookies , muffins or cakes he is good at that lol ! Glad Pat is feeling better . It is damp and chilly here today most of the snow has melted and there is grass showing now . Thanks for sharing . Have a good week !

William Kendall said...

Good to know you're on the mend, Grenville!

Emma Springfield said...

Too much turkey? Never.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

We're cooking the second bird tomorrow!...:)JP

Debbie said... those rosey cheeks!!

L. D. said...

I missed having us cook a turkey this year. You are right about the leftovers.