
Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Funnies

We spotted the name of this car dealership while driving on Rte 22 in North Plainfield, NJ, this week.

Of course, we wondered whether it referred to the type of cars being sold or what they do on the road. 

This is a shot of heavily-travelled Rte 22 in late afternoon rush traffic.

Wish you were here?
(We wished we were not.)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

nope, don't wish i were there, but i do like that crazy name and it would be easy to i am wondering if there is killer car 1

Lois Evensen said...

Nope, I don't want a killer car!

Merry Christmas!

NCmountainwoman said...

Interesting spin. I wonder whom it's meant to attract?

Ginnie said...

You can have Rt 22 in Jersey. It's the reason I won't drive there anymore.
Has Plainfield changed much?

Connie said...

I wouldn't care to be in that traffic, but that sure is a pretty sky! :)

Country Gal said...

Pretty sky yukky traffic lol ! Oh that name of this car place can be taken the wrong way I think ! Thanks for sharing . Have a very Merry Christmas !

William Kendall said...

The sunset in that last shot makes it look beautiful, despite the traffic.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I really don't wish I was there :-) The traffic will be much like it here though these coming days so I'll stay at home and enjoiy the peace and quiet. Well the wind is howling but that's nicer anyway :-)

Love the name of that business :-)

Have a great day!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Ginnie, Yes, Plainfield has changed quite a lot in the years since I grew up here, unfortunately, it has not been for the better. Municipal services seem to have declined, streets seem woefully neglected as far as repair. It shows serious signs of urban city decay and decline and is hardly true to its moniker as "The Queen City." I will be glad to leave by the end of next week.

Anvilcloud said...

It looks like you were traveling in the right direction in that second photo.

Cicero Sings said...

Traffic!!! That is why I live up here in the boon-docks!