
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snow-Birding in Onley

NO, not ANY kind of snow birding you might be thinking about as I learned from an online search that it’s not just when folks travel to warmer climes in winter.

This title refers to the birds around the feeder today. As you know from Grenville’s earlier post, it SNOWED here this morning. And, he was (more than just a tad) EXCITED.

This was the scene from our kitchen window this morning. Maybe they all noticed that the feeder had been refilled late yesterday ?snow birds in tree2IMG_7940
Grenville was very happy as you might have noticed from all the exclamation marks. We got less than an inch and he hardly needed to use the shovel which remained on the back porch to measure the snowfall.

It was enough to shut down lots of things, including local schools. YUP, that seems odd to us too. In our native NJ a LOT more snow would have to fall. But, here on the VA eastern shore, they are a bit wimpier about snow than other places as it’s not the norm in winter. And, in all fairness to the school closings, there is NO snow plowing on back roads (or most main roads). Many rural roads are narrow, winding and uneven with ditches and children’s safety is primary.

Back to those snow birds — a female cardinal  looked mighty cold.
female cardinal-snowMeanwhile, this blue jay surveyed the feeder from above and then went down for a closer look . . .blue jay-feederAnd, sure enough he found the pecans and loaded up (doesn’t share).
blue jay-pecans
It was a pretty morning to take a go for a short walk to check out the snowfall in the The Frog & PenguINN front yard and back yardIMG_7946 too.IMG_7948
Grenville may get to use that shovel for real this weekend, as predictions are for LOTS more snow. Forecasters are talking about accumulating snow late Friday, continuing possibly overnight into Saturday morning. Grenville will definitely be doing a happy dance if that happens.


Country Gal said...

Fantastic photos ! Is that picture of your house ? oh it is lovely ! We are to be getting a lot of snow tomorrow so they tell us but you know the weather people can be very wrong lol ! have a good evening !

grammie g said...

Hi B..Love your birdie photos some look a little puffed up brrr!!
Ya it looks like a dusting ..sorry Grenville!! Maybe he will get his chance! : )

Connie said...

Wonderful bird photos! I love the cardinal ones. Hope you're staying warm.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can't believe you have all these birds and snow and here we have beautiful sunshine and not a bird in sight except for the buzzards circling.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Tell him to put his dancing shoes ON because the 12" we were SUPPOSED to get is heading down your way!!!! According to this morning's forecast, we are now slated to get an inch!...:)JP

Doris said...

Beautiful snow pictures! We are to get snow this afternoon. I don't think it willl be much which is FINE with me! I don't get as excited about the white stuff as Grenville does!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photographs!

It looks as if we have the same amount of snow as You do but we still have thick layers of rime on all the trees, bushes and other plants. But they say the wind will start blowing again and then it all will be gone within seconds.

Have a great day!

Debbie said...

WoW, amazing moments, awesome images!!

those darm blue jays are never satisfied with just one peanut!!

Leonora said...

You've taken beautiful bird photos!
It doesn't take much snow to make things festive down here, does it? Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Your home and the birds are so pretty in the snow. We had the "threat" of ice yesterday and our schools closed down!!!
Wishing you both a delightful weekend and many blessings.

Charlotte Wilson said...

what lovely bird photos! I am having snow envy here. LOL
Re: closing down the roads when there is just a little snow: I think everyone wants to play a little hooky even the adults.

Patrycja (photoopassion) said...

Great post. Nice atmosphere on your blog. I like it here. ;]
Feel free to visit my blog. New images.
If you like my picture like me on the fan page:
I will be extremely grateful.

Have a nice weekend. Yours. ;)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

THANKS everyone for the nice comments about the bird photos. FYI these were taken from inside the comfort of our home looking out the kitchen window. These guys put on quite a show, especially when there's sunflower seeds and pecans in the feeder.
Yes, the house shown is our home, which we call The Frog & PenguINN. Doesn't everyone name their home?
Hey JP, Grenville would have put on his dancing shoes IF it would have helped with more snowfall then we got yesterday.
Thanks Patrycja Photography for the visit and comment, but we are facebook followers.