
Monday, January 28, 2013

A Contained Life . . .

That’s what it seems we’ve been living since last May, when we made the decision to list our home, affectionately dubbed The Frog & PenguINN, for sale. We’re planning to relocate to New Hampshire so we will closer to the grandkids, who live in RI. The 90 minute drive from NH to RI will be MUCH closer than the 10 hours we travel now each way to visit (but not TOO close).

We have been sorting through “stuff” that is being donated, tossed or kept. And, the “keep stuff” is being boxed (or containerized), then moved to a local storage unit. Grenville is very organized about stacking 0113 (1)But, contain yourselves, we’re not leaving (just yet). streeet views (2)

We hoping (and praying) that St. Joseph can help us sell this home, first.


Karen Lakis said...

The thought of moving is so overwhelming to me! We're thinking about moving out of our house I to a smaller place, and when I made the list of to-dos, well - let's say it was very long. Best of luck to you,your organization will make the moving part easy!

Anvilcloud said...

Well, you are having plenty of time to sort and pack.

Unknown said...

We did this concluding in July 2005 from CA (ending 40+ years there)to MN. I had ever so many anxiety type attacks through it all. I notice you have the same size boxes/containers too, that is smart. We donated lots and gave away more but it took many trips back and forth,many of which Jerry drove back and forth alone, I was not yet retired, using the trailer we bought. We'd bought the MN house in 2004 and so he moved things. Snowbirding here, he has mentioned perhaps we should purchase something down here, I cannot even begin to think of moving again. So I will follow your progress, holding you up in thoughts. Go St Joe!

Anonymous said...

You know I am praying for the very best outcome for you two. Such a lovely home. I don't envy you the task of deciding what to keep. You are smart to do a little at a time and have it so organized!

DeniseinVA said...

I wish you a fast sale on your house. With Gregg retiring in a year's time we too are downsizing, decluttering, and giving a lot of things away. We also have a lot of those boxes in our basement. We're not sure if we will be selling up but one never knows where the cards will fall and I don't want to leave everything until the last minute. Sending the good-house-for-sale fairy your way :)

Mellodee said...

When selling our first home, St. Joseph came through for us. Either it was St. Joseph or the bread we baked the morning of open house!! It smelled heavenly in the house, I heartily recommend it!

If I lived anywhere close to VA, I would be soooooo interested in considering your house for purchase. I have always wanted a home like yours. However, our lives and family are in Texas and, as you know, family trumps everything!! :)

Anonymous said...

Your house is so beautiful so I guess that as soon as the economy starts moving again You'll sell it fast.

Have a great day!

Claire M. King said...

I know all about St. Joseph and burying his statue. I hope it works for you. It seems your house should sell given it's beautiful style and colors. Good luck!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Trust me, I know how it feels to be living on the edge, wanting to move and in waiting. My heart goes out to you and will keep you in prayer that you sell soon so you can be closer to your grands....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good luck, at least you will be ready when it sells, good idea to do it all now and get it ready to ship.

Rebecca said...

Boy, I remember THOSE days. And not fondly. You end up keeping things you don't need and getting rid of things you do.

Debby said...

Two years ago we had our house listed. What a job that was. It didn't sell. It was when the market crashed. We have been talking about relisting. I don't want to.
Do you really want to live 90 minutes away from your family when you move. We live in the same village as our son and his family. It isn't too close. Our other grandchildren live in COlorado, we live in Ohio. We are praying that our son gets a traaaaansfer to Ohio. There is an opening in his agency but he has asked before to transfer and Colorado won't release him. So think long and hard about moving that far away from them. Hoping your home sells soon.

Out on the prairie said...

Tough to have everything boxed.I forgot what I had once and found a box of treasures 3 years later.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What was nice, Dorothy was that when we moved into the new house, unpacking the boxes was like Christmas. We had been living with the things that would be donated so opening the "saved" stuff was a real treat! It will work for you...St Joseph...he always does!...:)JP

Cicero Sings said...

You are so very organized ... sight. Can't say the same about myself!

(GBS) NewsFromTheHill said...

Hang in there! We finally unloaded everything from our pod that was on the driveway (we needed it while we were in the trailer) and they took it away yesterday! Now we've got to work on the storage unit in town!.

I know that lots of folks overuse them to hang onto stuff they never see again, but there are times like when you're selling/moving that they're a blessing!

A word of advice.... use only the tubs with tight lids and put a container of mouse poison in a back corner of the unit!! :)