
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Southern Hospitality

Southern hospitality comes in many forms from a hello to a chat or an invite. In the past couple of days we were very fortunate to experience a little of both from fellow VA bloggers. Grenville and I are on a short road trip exploring parts of the VA Blue Ridge. In addition to seeing wonderful new sights, we have also met fellow bloggers, who, like ourselves, are also non-native Virginians.

Yesterday, we spent a very delightful several hours with Grace and Joe, formerly from Louisiana. They are building a wonderful new home which overlooks the Shenandoah Valley and graciously took time to show us around. Even in its unfinished state, it's obvious that this home is stunning and they are putting a lot of their own sweat equity into its completion. Imagine looking out on vistas like this from your deck. It was a drab and overcast day, so these photos do NOT do justice to the views.

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Grace has been chronicling the house's progress on her News from the Hill blog, where you can see the evolution of this home. Stop in and visit because the welcome mat is always out online. (Thanks, Grace for the wonderful coffee at Lexington Coffee House.)

Today, we were treated to more hospitality, visiting Rebecca and Lee, formerly from California. This visit included not only conversation but also tasty treats prepared by Rebecca. We visited their home and received the grand tour inside and around the grounds. Their home is also located high on a hill with equally breath-taking vistas. Today's weather was a bit more cooperative for these photos.

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Rebecca enjoys trying new recipes; we were more than happy to oblige as taste testers for the ham and mango chutney bites and blueberry lemon shortbread. These recipes and more interesting reading can be found on her Shenandoah Gateway Farm blog. Even if you don't enjoy cooking, you may find a few new recipes to capture your interest.

You just can't beat good old Southern-style hospitality. Thanks Grace and Joe, Rebecca and Lee for taking the time to share good talk and food. We had a great time! Let us know if you are ever visiting our part of VA on the eastern shore; that goes for other fellow bloggers too — the Welcome mat is always out at The Frog & PenguINN (when we're home).


Lois Evensen said...

How fun and what a beautiful place.

possum said...

Have fun, be safe... you are driving thru Heaven!

Anvilcloud said...

The wouldbe photog in me would like to do this trip -- both town (below) and country.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so beautiful, and glad you are enjoying all that southern hospitatlity..

Doris said...

Beautiful part of this wonderful country! I will stop by the blogs you mentioned, thanks for sharing.

Out on the prairie said...

wow, what a nice area to observe

Anonymous said...

What wonderful places! I would love to walk around there with my camera :-)

Have a great day!

Connie said...

Beautiful views! What fun to get to meet fellow bloggers too!

john bain said...

I will be sure to call in if I'm ever passing your way.

Rebecca said...

Thanks for the nice comments. It was a pleasure to meet you both. We plan on using you as a reference if we ever get around to that B&B thing!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful scenery and so much fun!

CountryDew said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit to the Roanoke area. I was very sorry I was too ill to meet with you. I would have enjoyed it! I hope you have had a good time anyway.