
Monday, October 29, 2012

Sandy By Starlight

What a great title for a song…. well maybe not. AND we have no starlight here tonight. BUT we do still have wind, and some rain, and most importantly ELECTRIC!!!!!!

At last look, Sandy was making landfall in Atlantic City. Word is that she got about a block or so in from the Boardwalk and got mugged!!!!! Shows she "Ain't no Jersey Girl".

If you are north or west of us you are in for a lot of wind and some rain. BUT mostly the wind at about 40 mph with some big gusts. If you live near the water you should be SOMEWHERE ELSE…. Hopefully you will make it through with no major problems like we did. You will all be in our thoughts.

With that we will say thank you again for all of your concerns and well wishes (even from the Pottie Room Grammy).

AND as C. C. Moore once wrote "Happy Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!!!!!!!"



Lois Evensen said...

I'm glad to hear it's "so far, so good." Hang in there!

Scott Law said...

Here's hoping and praying for you all out there. Hold on tight.

grammie g said...

Hi G. Glad you all are fine!!Been watching some awful scenes on the TV...yes I have power : )
That's a good place to doing my thinking!!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

So glad that Sandy was not the terrible visitor they were expecting. Glad you are safe and well!

Elaine said...

Happy to hear you're doing so well. Hopefully you won't lose power, but looks like you're prepared if you do. Looks like north of you is getting the brunt of the storm. Prayers for all in the path.

Valerie said...

I pray earnestly for all those in Sandy's path and I admire your fortitude. I'm damned sure I would be hysterical if faced by such a thing.

Anvilcloud said...

Looks like you guys did alright. A few minor power outages locally but not much.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Wondering how you are and if the power was still on this AM since the worst came in last night. HOPE all is okay!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

as long as you are posting we know you are ok.. thanks

Unknown said...

I have lots of friends back there farther north who are not faring as well and some in VA who did just fine. Hope your good fortune continues, being without power is a main drag and worse!