
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Preview

In a mid-month post, I wrote about a worldwide initiative that invited people to take and submit photos to document a single day – May 15 – around the globe and to submit them online to the aday project by May 22. This deadline was later extended because so many people had participated and were trying to upload their images.

On this one single day the aday organizers asked photographers to use whatever means (digital camera, cell phone, etc.) to photograph their world. All the submitted images would be posted online (and later in book form)  to create a unique online experience where photographs will be shared, compared and explored. The photographer would retain full copyright(s). The project was initiated by the Swedish non-profit foundation Expressions of Humankind and supported by a global advisory council and a special scientific council.

It was fun participating in this project and uploading the day’s photos before we left for our PA road trip. An email today gave notice that the site is preparing for a site re-launch to display all images taken and submitted on May 15.

In the meantime, you can SEE a PREVIEW of 100 single images and 100 profiles by some of the participants on The full site goes line sometime in June. Until then, this is a fascinating look into everyday and quite extraordinary lives as viewed through the photographer’s eyes and lens.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

lots of great photos on that link. thanks

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos there ! Thanks for sharing the link ! Have a good day !

Lois Evensen said...

How fun! Yep, a great project. :)

Connie said...

That was pretty cool!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

How wonderful! So glad it turned out as well!