
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Going . . . Going . . . Relocated

This was the last shot of Grenville’s greenhouse in mid-February, as it travelled down the street away from The Frog & PenguINN. The greenhouse was sold as part of our current downsizing.

Our friend and new greenhouse owner, Matt, was taking it to its new location – Sparky’s Farm.


This past weekend, we visited the greenhouse (and Matt too). The greenhouse is full of plants; Grenville suspects it’s much happier living on the farm.

greenhouse relocate (1)

Its new location is not far from a small pond. These young ducklings waddled over to check out what was going on.

IMG_2348The goats and garden toad were not as curious.



Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you two were able to visit and see that the greenhouse is being enjoyed.

Elaine said...

The greenhouse does seem to have settled in quite nicely with all the critters. The ducks probably wandered over to see if the door was left open and there were any goodies they could eat.

Anvilcloud said...

It's nice to see that she has found a good home. :)

Connie said...

Looks like it has found a good home. :) The animal pictures made me smile. Have a good week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

like the cammo frog pic. and i remember the post on the big move. happy to see the little house is happy on a farm. i would be happy there to

Montanagirl said...

Fun that you got to go see the Greenhouse in use. Love that Toad shot. He really blends in.

Lois Evensen said...

It looks like the greenhouse found a good home. :)

DeniseinVA said...

Glad that the greenhouse is happy in his new home :) Thanks for stopping by. I'm back from my latest road trip and staying home for a while :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful toad! Ours are more evenly brown all over.

No ducklings here but every now and again I see some pheasant chickens.

Have a great day!