
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flag Day 2011

Today – June 14 – is Flag Day in the U.S.

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It’s sandwiched in between Memorial Day and the Fourth of July and is not an official federal holiday. This date goes largely without fanfare, except in Pennsylvania, which became the first (and only) U.S. state to celebrate Flag Day starting in 1937. It’s also a holiday in American Samoa.

While not an official holiday, Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the U.S., which happened on that day by resolution of the 2nd Continental Congress in 1777.

Here are the some basics on displaying  the American flag:

  • The flag is normally flown from sunrise to sunset.
  • Raise the flag briskly in the a.m.; at sunset, lower it slowly. .
  • Do not fly the the flag at night without a light on it.
  • The flag should not be flown in the rain or inclement weather.
  • After a tragedy or death, the flag is flown at  “half staff” on land ,and “half mast” at sea – for 30 days.
  • When flown vertically on a pole, the stars and blue field , or “union,” is at the top and at the end of the pole (away from your house).
  • The American flag is always flown at the top of the pole; state flag and other flags fly below it.
  • The union is always on top. When displayed in print, the stars and blue field are always on the left.
  • Never let your flag touch the ground, never...period.
  • Fold the flag when storing.
  • When the flag is old and has seen  better days, burn or bury it. Do not throw it in the trash.
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Connie said...

I noticed several flags flying around town today. It's nice to see people honoring this representation of our country and our freedom.

Diana said...

beautiful! happy flag day! Diana

Montanagirl said...

Great post!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We have a flag permanently displayed in our front yard. Even though we change other flags depending on the season or holiday, the US flag always remains in place.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all new info to me, thanks, did not know about flag day

Ginnie said...

Thanks for this entry. I am always looking for interesting things to blog about and you've jogged my memory. It reminds me of a scenario involving my very elderly mother and the flag and I will write about it soon. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Our flag day is the same as our national day. At first we didn´t have a national day at all and then they decided we should have it on the flag day, but it didn´t become a holiday then, that came much later (I think it was three years ago).

Have a great day!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Sandra, always glad to share info and sometimes folks can even learn something :-)

Ginnie, you always have interesting posts...and will be looking forward to this future one about your mother and the flag.

Thanks Christer for sharing info on Sweden's flag day. Seems many in the U.S. don't even know about Flag Day probably because it isn't a federal holiday.

L. D. said...

I did get mine little flags hung up on the day. Great blog.