
Sunday, June 26, 2011

EGGS-plosion in the Kitchen

Ever have one of those days?

The “yolk” was on me today, well not me exactly, but the stovetop and kitchen counter and floor.  But, this was no laughing matter.

WHY?  . . .  cause I left 4 eggs boiling on the stove, went to do something else, and forgot about the eggs. It’s definitely NEVER a good thing to leave a pot unattended.

The water boiled down, and the eggs EXPLODED onto the stove and floor. The kitchen and dining room got extremely smoky.

eggs-plosion0626 (4)

It was quite a MESS. Those eggs were a total loss, but the pot was my concern. This is WHY stainless steel cookware is a great  thing

The pot was salvageable and cleaned up well after lots of scrubbing with steel wool soap pads.

cleanup0626 (1)Next time, I’ll take the kitchen timer with me when I go upstairs.
Better YET, I’ll stay in the kitchen until what’s cooking is done.


Connie said...

Oh my! I'm so glad all that you lost were a few eggs. How lucky that you were able to save the pan too.

Country Gal said...

I havent done that yet but Im sure it will happen one day I always multi task ! Glad everything is ok and it didnt get to out of hand ! Yup stainless steal is the best ! Have a great day !

Montanagirl said...

I think we've all done the same thing at one time or another!

Elaine said...

Yikes!! I've done some very similar things so know how you feel. Lucky your pan cleaned up so well.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i let all the water boil out of the eggs about a year ago, but they did not explode, i found them just as the water disappeared. now i stay in the kitchen until they are done, if i leave the room i forget they are there. you did exactly what i would have done, grab the camera and clean up later. it sure is a messy looking mess.

Anvilcloud said...

I sometimes do a single egg in the microwave and they sometimes explode despite the fact that I've scrambled them.

HermitJim said...

Bet the noise got your attention, didn't it?

Sorry you lost the eggs, but glad you saved the pot!

Another adventure in the kitchen!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks ALL for sharing your comments. The terrible smell is just about gone now. We lit a few candles last night and then aired out the kitchen today. Eggs really do smell bad after overcooking this way. Elaine, the next time I multitask I'll stay in the kitchen. AC never cooked an egg in the microwave; stovetop always seemed just as easy. Hi Sandra, lately I always reach for the older Canon digital that's kept right near the kitchen - cleanup can wait. HermitJim, I never heard the eggs-plosion as I was upstairs when it happened; the smoke got Grenville's attention downstairs.

UPDATE: the pot received a scouring with Bar Keeper's Friend cleanser which left it looking really shiny like new. aND YES i WOULD RATHER HAVE LOST EGGS VS A GOOD POT.

Cicero Sings said...

Twice Iva elects pot onand forgot about it. I was lucky not to burned the house down the one time - the whole house was billowing with smoke when I got back in.

TexWisGirl said...

oh dear... :(

L. D. said...

Yes it is startling to hear the explosions.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

OH NO~ been there done that. Its when you smell and hear that sound you know you are in for it. The pot looks good as new and you probably have some new muscles to show for it.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Cicero, yes we had smoke in the kitchen here too 0- opened all the windows, put on the ceiling fans and burned several candles - all helped. Glad your house didn't burn down either. This sure taught me a lesson to STAY in the kitchen when cooking something, except if it's baking and then carry a timer.

Texwis Girl, we're glad it wasn't worse,thanks for the comment.

Larry, never even heard the eggs exploding - luckily (or maybe not).

Tammy, pot cleaning was tough and at one point it seemed it would not come clean, but I persisted with steel wool pads followed by the bar keeper's friend cleaner and now it looks nicer than before!