
Monday, June 3, 2024

Kindness and Caring

Comments are off for this post as it is not about anything I've said, seen or done. It's about the unselfish action of a fellow blogger as told in her recent post and a link is provided below.

Today, I was going to present a different post. However, in catching up on blog reading from the past few days, a recent post by another blogger led to a decision for this post instead. 

Kindness and caring are universal issues as most will agree. From my experience in reading posts from fellow bloggers for well over a decade of blogging, many folks are concerned with these issues. And, many have undertaken and continue to do good deeds each in their own ways without fanfare of any type. 

It's just what they do.
Now to the point of this post.

The blogging community is special and many bloggers may be familiar with MadSnapper aka Sandra, who posts about a range of topics from learning about new things to what's happening in her FL neighborhood. Her comments posts of other bloggers are always kind. It's obvious that she has read the post without leaving just a "nice post" comment.

Sandra's caring was shown in her recent post which I will not paraphrase here as you can read it firsthand. It made me stop and think about homeless persons that I see here in Nashua, NH, quite often. Apparently, other bloggers reacted the same as evidenced by their comments.
In her post, Sandra said she hoped that everyone who read the post would become aware of others in similar situations.

We can all spread kindness in so many ways. Sometimes, it's with a financial assist, other times with a kind word.

Thanks, Sandra, for sharing your kindness experience and for the reminder. It's one that bears repeating.

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