
Thursday, November 16, 2023

Waning Colors

While there will be future posts to share about our UK travels, we're glad to have returned home in time to appreciate some of autumn's beauty. It's always enjoyable to share local images.

Living in the mill apartments, we're within walking distance of Mine Falls Park, the largest city park in Nashua, NH. Join me on our November jaunt, perhaps the last this season.
Our recent travels abroad began in mid-October through the end of the month. That's about the time most of the autumn colors here in Nashua, NH, were most vibrant, at peak is the term.
We feared that most of the famed New England color this fall would have gone by the time we were back in Nashua. We went walking, the first November weekend after returning home to find that fall color was not all gone. There was a lot more color than expected in the park.
I've posted many times before about the 325-acre Mine Falls Park, which was purchased in 1969 from the Nashua, New Hampshire Foundation with city and federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) money. It is bordered on the north by the Nashua River and on the south by the millpond and canal.
The park name originates from the 18th century, when low-quality lead was reportedly mined from the islands below the park's falls. In the early 19th century, the potential of the Nashua River to drive the wheels of industrial mills was recognized.
The property was once owned by the Nashua Manufacturing Company, which harnessed the river's flow for power in its mills which
 closed in 1948. (Nashua Manufacturing Company is now Clocktower Place Apartments.) In 1992, the park trails were designated part of the New Hampshire Heritage Trail system, which extends 130 miles along the Merrimack River from Massachusetts to Canada.
Water reflects remain as one of my favorite photo subjects and, on the day of our walk, these were captured.
There was a large group of Mallard ducks in the canal that afternoon. Several males were putting on quite a display, perhaps for the females among the group?
Above is the late afternoon view of the former millyard, which is now apartments and business use. In 1987, the Nashua River Canal and the Nashua Manufacturing Company Historic District (Millyard) were placed on the National Register of Historic Places. 
Thanks for coming along on this walk, hope you enjoyed the local colors too.


photowannabe said...

Stunning photos to say the least...
Your leaves are gorgeous and I do love the reflections the most of all.
I would really love to be walking those trails and pathways. Peace and stillness.
Thank you for sharing.

Emma Springfield said...

Fall is the most beautiful time of year. And you have shared some beautiful scenery. Thank you.

My name is Erika. said...

I think I clicked off before my comment posted. If you get it twice, you'll know it obviously went through. Mine Falls Park looks like a lovely place to walk. And the late autumn colors are also pretty. I walked a chunk of the Wolfeboro Rail Trail this morning. I hope walking season isn't over soon. But of course I'll walk until the snow comes. :) Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

Barbara Rogers said...

Wow, you can walk along the Merrimac from MA to Canada! that's fantastic. Loved your closeups...and the ducks! Wonderful that you could see so much color still...our fall color was late also.

Sandra said...

Stunning! You live in a beautiful place.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

city apartments country living. i remember the photos from the past of this park, it is stunning today. the colors the leaves on the ground. and not a person to be seen.. I would love to wander.

Jeanie said...

Your New England colors are lovely, Dorothy. I'm so glad you returned home in time to enjoy them!

Marie Smith said...

These scenes are so peaceful. The glorious colour makes them spectacular. How they must speak to one’s spirit!

Polly said...

oh WOW, stunning photos Beatrice. I would love to walk along those paths and beside the rivers.

Jon said...

What magnificent photos! The last breath of autumn's splendor.
Thanks for sharing your walk in the park.
BTW - - also many thanks for the card and the sweet photo

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh wow! You really got some beautiful photos of the fall splendor around you! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! We don't get much of that here in our part of the country, so it is always refreshing to see such lovely pictures from your lovely state. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Rita said...

Well, you sure didn't miss all the color and beauty of fall while you were gone across the pond. :) Just lovely!!

L. D. said...

You do have stunning colors in the fall. You do take some great shots. I liked all the ducks. I could juar imagine them swirling around finding things to eat. I enjoy hearing about you trip abroad.

Boud said...

Very nice to be home when you have walks like this. Lovely place. I always like to see water when I'm out walking.

Veronica Lee said...

Absolutely breathtaking! 😍
Your corner of the world is beautiful, Dorothy! 🌍✨

Hugs and blessings

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Fall is gorgeous, isn’t it? Quick heads up - I will be away from my blog for the next two weeks, so if you don’t see me around you will understand why.

Anvilcloud said...

Good for you for getting a pretty good display in November. I really liked your first three pics, especially 2 and 3.

DeniseinVA said...

What a lovely walk! Thanks for taking us along.

Christina said...

Beautiful! I love those white fluffy plant heads. Isn't it wonderful to have a park in walking distance?

nick said...

Wow, some wonderful colours there. The New Hampshire Heritage Trail looks good too. We don't have any trails that long.

David said...

Hi Beatrice, We love fall! While spring is exciting when the 'world around us comes back to life', the fall colors, skies, temperatures, etc., are hard to beat. There is something serene about fall... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful fall colours.