
Friday, November 11, 2022

Friday Funnies

To say that we have time on our hands would be incorrect—it's on our apartment walls 🕥
All of these had to manually reset last weekend to fall back for Daylight Savings Time (DST)
Clocks in the top half of this photo are on the living room wall, which seemed appropriate as we live in Clocktower Apartments. Two more in other rooms.
The kitchen appliances also required a manual reset, microwave, coffee maker, stove, and the wall clock too. There was no problem with electronics like cell phones, iPads, and desktop PCs which automatically adjusted to the time change. 
In addition to the wall clocks, there's a couple of small mantel clocks which require manual resets. (We never really check the time on these two, but they were gifts and hold memories.)
Aside from resetting wall and appliance clocks, a couple of wrist watches were also reset. 

The only U.S. states that don't observe daylight saving time are Hawaii and Arizona, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, but the Navajo Nation, which cuts through part of Arizona, does, oddly enough.

Here's a heads up, as of now, daylight saving time (DST) 2023 will be March 12, 2023. Efforts to make it permanent always seem to stall. Maybe those folks have fewer clocks to reset?

Are you a fan and did you change many clocks in your household too last weekend ?

Today, November 11, marks the day World War I ended, at 11 am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918. Here, in the US, it is celebrated as Veterans Day which honors military veterans of the United States Armed Forces. It's also a state and federal holiday.

In Britain, Canada, Australia, and France, November 11 is observed as Remembrance Day. Britain also celebrates Remembrance Sunday (the second Sunday of November).

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Many people will observe a moment of silence today.


gigi-hawaii said...

We have 5 clocks plus clocks on the stove and microwave, and they don't need to be reset as we live in Hawaii.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

No clocks here. I did have to reset the time on the television.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, that is a lot of clocks. we don't own a non digital clock, and the three watches don't work. I did the Kia clock, 2 digitals, coffee pot and microwave. the rest did themselves. I do wish they would stop the changes.

Vee said...

That sure is a lot of clocks. I like the look, but dislike the sound of ticking clocks. I had too many clocks so got rid of a few starting with the one in my bedroom. Yes, I changed the time back, but I do not like it on this side of things. I probably need some light therapy. ☀️

Lois Evensen said...

Most of our time machines are connected to the Internet so reset themselves. It's nice when we travel, too, to have the local time. Of course, our grandfather clock has a mind of his own and we don't argue with him. We do love the chimes, whenever they occur. ;)

Bijoux said...

I dislike the time change and wish they'd just agree to stop it. I do remember staying in the Navajo Nation and there being a one hour difference between our hotel and the nearby restaurants.

Boud said...

I have to change the stove and microwave, and my son will climb up next time he visits to change the battery walk clock. Everything else takes care of itself. I think my car does, too. My old car, 99civic, stayed wrong half the year because I only remembered it when I was driving, and forgot as soon as I stopped!

DUTA said...

I do have several clocks working on batteries. Don't mind resetting them.

Emma Springfield said...

My alarm clock is the only one in the house that does not automatically set itself.

Marcia said...

We always go on BFT on Saturday before the Sunday time change. We think it helps us get used to it but that's hogwash. We just have fun with it.

Sandra said...

That's quite a collection! I had to reset the stove, a battery wall clock and a grandfather clock. I don't bother with the microwave. I prefer standard time, as it seems do the sleep experts.

Marcia said...

Forgot to say that falling back is always easier than springing forward.

Michelle said...

Not too many clocks in our house, but I did reset them. I live on the central/eastern time line and it gets crazy around here. Many people don't observe DST.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

That's a lot of clocks! Other than for appliances we have only two clocks to reset and the watch on my wrist. That's enough!

Rita said...

Only three to manually reset here. I'd rather reset clocks with hands like you have than these digital ones! LOL! :)

William Kendall said...

I have two that need resetting.

Red said...

The time issue seems simple but it soon gets complicated. Changing time twice a year is a nuisance.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I have never seen so many clocks in one house/apartment! What a job for you on time change days! Wow!!!Very interesting "hobby". LOL. The clocks are all lovely, btw. I guess you should always know what time it is and have no excuse for being late! LOL. Hope you are taking time to relax and enjoy the weekend. We are still watching/listening to the men installing our new floor...much bigger job than we all realized...but it will be worth it all when it is done and I can get everything back in place...ugh...not sure I want to think about that job just yet! LOL. Have a lovely weekend.

Lee said...

I have only one clock...a very small bedside clock. I bought it over 24 years ago and it operates on two batteries! I haven't worn a wrist watch for many, many years. Time slips by all to quickly as it is without my help! :)

The llth day of the llth month is also my birthday...although I'm doing my best to forget birthdays these days! :)

diane b said...

That is a great collection of clocks. It must be a big job resetting them. Our state doesn't observe daylight saving but all the other southern states do. It causes a problem at the border. The southerners tell a joke : Queensland is one hour and ten years behind.

Anvilcloud said...

We don’t have too many clocks to change the old way. Thank goodness.

Jenny said...

I had a few clocks to change....I am not a fan. I so wish they'd just stop adding to our chaos.

I had to reset clocks today as well because we had a storm last night that knocked the power out. So a the electric clocks reset.

Barwitzki said...

I'm not a fan of the time change... I had to change a clock.
Many greetings to you with the wish of a nice weekend.

nick said...

It's really tedious changing all the clocks every six months. But we discovered one of our alarm clocks changes the time automatically. Somehow it picks up some wifi connection that resets the time. Technology keeps advancing!

My name is Erika. said...

That's a lot of clocks.And a lot to change. The only room with a lot of clocks in my house is the kitchen, where I have a crazy clock that works, but then if the power goes off, it can't keep time, and then the next time we lose power, it keeps time again. Too weird. Enjoy your weekend. hugs-Erika

Veronica Lee said...

We have 5 clocks but only one is working! The rest are just for decoration.

No resetting needed in our corner of the world - the sun rises and sets at almost the same times all year round!

Jeanie said...

I do not fall back well! I'm still getting up way too early (and pooping out too early, too!). My only clocks are the car, microwave, stove and alarm. Makes it easy!

David said...

Beatrice, Love the look of your wall of clocks! We had to reset 14 clocks, a watch and the clock in one of our cars. 7 of them run on batteries. My alarm clock automatically resets but its programed to reset on the time change dates that preceded the current ones. That means that I have to reset that clock 4 times a year and that twice a year I wake up to see the wrong time. We're all for permanent daylight savings time! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave