
Friday, July 22, 2022

Friday Funnies

If anyone is waiting for a knight in (almost) shining armor, here's a couple of candidates. 
These metal hunks were seen in Maine last week. One is a bit weathered and rusty from its post outside a flea market in Searsport. The other is indoors and cooler, holding a drink in a tool shop in Liberty. (As you can see in the background, this is quite an unusual shop, more on it later.)

I can't imagine how hot it would have been in one of these metal suits and to be jousting !

Personally, I already have a frog prince, so no need for one of these metal guys.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Heat 🥵 continues, as in many places — stay 🆒😎


David M. Gascoigne, said...

I don't think I want to known the person who buys either one of them!

Bijoux said...

The fur vest is a unique touch!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is the way knights in shining armour would look after living in heat and humidity in Floridia, the Armour would be rusted and the knight dead from heat stroke

Anvilcloud said...

The last time I recall seeing at knight’s armour, I was surprised at home short he was. Probably 12x my strength but much shorter..

gigi-hawaii said...

It must be very heavy wearing this armour.

Jon said...

I couldn't imagine how torturous it must have been to wear suits of armor. Did they rust when it rained??
I'm thinking of the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz,,,,,

Marcia said...

I too thought of the tin man out in the rain getting rusted up.

mimmylynn said...

And the frog prince knows where the water is on these hot days!

Linda P said...

You have markets over in your corner where you see some quirky sights.

Polly said...

aaah that's nice - having your own frog prince :-) As well as the heat, I'm amazed that the Knights and their horses could move! Have a good weekend Beatrice.

Bill said...

Interesting finds. I wonder if anyone bought them, they would make an interesting lawn ornament. :) Have a great weekend.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, now "cool", well, maybe "cool" isn't the right word! They are very interesting and unique. No, I can't imagine having to wear such a thing! Not sure how they ever moved around in them. You do find such fun stuff! thank you!

DeniseinVA said...

I never thought of it before but can you imagine? I often think how the Disney people cope in their costumes when walking around, not to mention the Palace Guards in the UK with their thick uniforms and their very tall and heavy bearskins. I will not moan at the heat. Well, maybe a little ;) Great captures!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

One of them definitely needs to polish up his act.

nick said...

Of course they were trying to protect themselves against catching covid, but a whole suit of armour is going a bit far.

Rob Lenihan said...

It's tough working outdoors. Can't wait to hear what the rest of the shop is like.

David said...

Beatrice, Love quirky antique or gift shops! The last time we visited New England, Searsport ME was the farthest we ventured up the Maine coast. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Lee said...

I'm a bit rusty these days!

No knight needed here. I enjoy my "aloneness" too much, I guess. Aloneness spent with my two furry besties, of course! :)

Rita said...

They look quite the opposites--LOL! :)

L. D. said...

A knight in rusting armor, that he is. Fun to see, they need to bring him inside out of the rain.

William Kendall said...

There's a shop here that tends to stock them.

Ludwig said...

Oh, you always find something that brings out the smiles!
And in response to your query on one of my posts, I bring you Ruby the Clown over on my blog -

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad I didn't live back then!

baili said...

funny enough to make smile dear Dorothy yet reminds me my own thinking about armor dressing in past ,and that how delicate the people of today are who hardly tolerate even light dressing in pressure free environment .people who used to such heavy dresses during intense time and still made right moves and decision ,their patience and dare is absolutely wonderful
hugs and blessings!

CrystalChick said...

They are interesting, I like them both!