
Monday, January 31, 2022

Snow? We Got It

But, not as much as many other areas here in New England and in other northeastern U.S. states received on Saturday from a major nor'easter, which has dubbed Winter Storm Kenan.
by the Weather Channel which is naming winter storms for the 10th season. 

Snowfall total here in Nashua, NH, was just shy of 9 inches with an official amount of 8.8 inches. Totals differed in some areas because of light drifting snow.
Morning after the first major winter storm of 2022 
And, as usual, this day after view was taken Sunday morning from the warmth and comfort of our 5th floor mill apartment overlooking the Nashua River. The sun was shining brightly but the temps were frigid outdoors in the single digits.
Here's a view that was not usual and very unexpected as this bald eagle made several passes over the river perhaps looking for a morning meal. Grenville managed to capture these quick images before it left without finding any gulls or ducks around. It's times like this that a zoom lens would have come in handy (sigh).
It's history now, but this major winter storm packed blizzard conditions with high winds that dumped up to two feet of snow in some New England states, more in others. Up to 24 inches of snow piled up in areas of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Parts of coastal Maine got more than a foot of snow before the storm moved out late Saturday
By the time we ventured out for a walk on Sunday when it had warmed up to near degrees, the late afternoon sun created some interesting patterns on the river.

In the downtown area, Main Street was down to pavement and the sidewalks had been cleared for which we were grateful.
However, here in the mill apartment parking lot, the cars of some residents were snow-covered and plowed in. These owners need to be up early Monday morning as snow clearing starts at 7:30 a.m. and towing starts at 8 a.m. for unmoved cars. 

We're thankful for underground garage parking. It's well worth the cost to stay indoors without the need to shovel out. We did that for many years and it's wonderful not to do it now.

If where you live was blanketed by this storm, we hope you were safe and warm as well.


Bijoux said...

I feel bad for those who park outside. That is no fun! We escaped your winter wallop, but we already had two feet from previous storms. This Thursday looks to be another 18 inches. We’re concerned about ice dams on our roof. Stay warm!

Anvilcloud said...

We had that one very major dumping but haven’t had a lot of snow otherwise. There’s plenty accumulated now though.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we were 'blanketed by frost' 2 days in a row here, which has not happened since 1989. walked in 33 degrees and nearly froze my fingers off. of course ours pales in comparison to yours. great shots of all the snow and the view as always is beautiful from your 5th floor. glad the sun is out

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were safe and warm and could see all this snowy beauty from your window. I love that Grenville spotted that eagle. Makes me wonder if you see them there often. Stay warm and safe there.

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad you have underground parking! Snow is always so beautiful on the day after, when the sky is blue and the sun out. Lovely photos all! We're due for some (not like that!) on Wednesday.

gigi-hawaii said...

I read about the blizzard, and I am so glad that you parked your cars indoors. As you say, it is well worth the cost. Stay warm and take care!

Edna B said...

We got a couple feet of snow. I hope this is the end of the big storms for this winter. I can't wait for Spring and the warmer temps to get here. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Winter is all about snow. I am happy that I am retired and don't have to drive in it, but other than that I enjoy it.

Jon said...

Well, you finally got some snow! It looks impressive from your apartment bird's eye view - especially with the gorgeous winter sunshine.
Speaking of birds, the bald eagle photo is amazing. I have often tried to take photos of the eagles around here but never had any luck.
And I don't think I've ever seen a bald eagle.

Rita said...

Having any inside parking is a true blessing in the snowy months. It does look beautiful but it is a pain to trudge through or to move around to get out of the way--LOL! ;)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I think my daughter in law, who lives in Maine, south of Portland, had 12" of snow. I haven't heard any bad issues like power outages, etc., so apparently she dodged the big one. Your pictures are beautiful...and that eagle is magnificent!! It was SO good to actually TALK to you today...thank you for calling. That was fun!! Hope to hear from you again soon. I'm glad you have inside parking. That definitely makes a big difference in the snowy north. I remember that...but we still had to shovel/snow blow our driveway. We are happy to be living in Florida now!! No snow to shovel here, Praise God!! Just lots of sunshine and sand...oh, and no falling iguanas here either! LOL. Blessings to you and safe my friend.

Christina said...

Nine inches seems like quite a lot of snow for someone like me who gets little to no snow. Pristine white snow just looks so pretty. Good to know that you have excellent snow cleaning services in your town.

Veronica Lee said...

So glad you have underground parking, Dorothy.

Snow photos are always such a treat for those of us living in the tropics!

Happy Tuesday!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Oh my goodness, it is terrible when one does not have a parking garage to park under. Digging a car out of this much snow is no fun! How lovely of an area you live in. The snow looks beautiful on the river. Stay warm!

Coastal Ripples said...

I will enjoy your snowfall as it’s highly unlikely we’ll have our own. Lovely photos. B x

My name is Erika. said...

You got about the same amount of snow as we did. Luckily not as much as Boston, and let's hope the weather at the end of this week is more rain. I don't know though since February is traditionally the big snow month. UGH! And wow. I did a double take at your photos because I thought that looked like a bald eagle. They are definitely around, but great you could catch him as you did. Usually you look up at them, not down. Happy February to you! hugs-Erika

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Oh my! Lots of snow.

Last weekend I was shivering in Florida when temperature dropped below freezing point for a couple of hours. :)

Stay warm, Beatrice!

William Kendall said...

It looks cold.

Karen Lakis said...

Oh wow - you got a LOT more than us! I was all ready for a big storm, and we got, maybe, 3 inches. Nashua looks pretty in snow!

nick said...

I think strong winds can be more worrying than a lot of snow, as they can topple trees, take off roofs and cause huge power outages. Here in Northern Ireland we've had a lot of very strong winds recently but luckily no damage in our immediate neighbourhood.

Lee said...

No snow is summer here, after all...we've had a couple of storms, though. Some areas have been hit hard. I feel for those who suffered damage...and some did, badly.

Take good care. :)

L. D. said...

That was a lot of snow. The river is partially open which makes lots of birds happy. We just missed that big snow storm but we are still with snow from a long time ago. Our temps are also terribly cold.

LL Cool Joe said...

Here in the South East of the UK we haven't had any snow so far this year and long may that continue. It's beautiful but as we aren't used to it, the country tends to grind to halt when we get it!