
Friday, January 7, 2022

Friday Funnies

It's back — Friday Funnies has returned after a holiday hiatus; here's the first for 2022. 

As many readers of this blog know, we enjoy traveling. During a road trip for family visits over the recent holiday season we stayed in several hotels. In a couple of these lodgings, these interesting signs caught my somewhat warped sense of the absurd. See if you enjoy these too.

When I first saw this posted sign in an elevator (there were several) I immediately thought of a science fiction movie.
I've since learned that you can indeed purchase these electrostatic sprayers. In fact there's a wide variety of models and prices available on Amazon (of course) ranging in cost from under $20 to over $700.
Not only that, but, as you can see in the above collage, there's also a wide range of color choices. Since I wanted to learn more about these pandemic weapons, here's what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website stated: Electrostatic spraying has drawn increased interest through the public health emergency because of the need to disinfect large indoor spaces (schools, offices, businesses) or areas with many surfaces. Unlike conventional spraying methods, electrostatic sprayers apply a positive charge to liquid disinfectants as they pass through the nozzle. The positively charged disinfectant is attracted to negatively charged surfaces, which allows for efficient coating of hard nonporous surfaces. 

So now I know more than before, all because of that posted elevator notice.
And, then there was this sign posted in the hallways and other area in a RI hotel. Of course, many non-smokers are pleased to see such a notice, but what caught my attention was why the need to include 100% as opposed to say 75 or 98% ? In short, why the need to include any percentage, something is either all in or not, just saying.

So, just a couple of things seen to start off a New Year. In response to bloggers who have commented that I find the some interesting items for these posts, trust me they're around. Just take time to look for them and perhaps smile/wonder. It can make life interesting and often amusing. As always, my purpose is not to misrepresent/distort things in any way, but to show what I've actually seen. While I may not include a weekly FF post, I'll keep looking for life's absurdities because they certainly abound and everyone needs a chuckle.

Enjoy Your weekend, Everyone
Friday ❄️ snow ☃️expected here (finally)


David M. Gascoigne, said...

I will be staying at a Best Western hotel next Friday night and I have no doubt I will sleep even more securely knowing that it was been electrostatically cleaned! As for the 100% sign, it always amuses me around here to read the signs posted by local farmers; three immediately come to mind - Pure Maple Syrup - Sweet Maple Syrup - and Fresh Brown Eggs. I am always ay great pains to ensure that I don't get the impure, sour maple syrup and I really avoid those stale brown eggs!

Rita said...

Great signage--LOL! :)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Young people here use "100 per cent" when they mean "yes". "Are you going out at the weekend?" "One hundred per cent!". I suspect the hotel's use of the phrase comes via their fire insurance policy. I know that when I worked at the school you could get cheaper insurance if you could guarantee that the premises was "100% smoke free".

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for these amusing signs...and the research into the sprayers. I remember using Lysol spray (from a can at the time) to disinfect airplanes after people got out (being a flight attendant at the time)...I liked the scent and wonder what percent of airborne critters were dispatched thus. The mist did settle on hard surfaces and upholstery as idea if it had any electrostatic properties! But my generation did think of Lysol as a disinfectant...and still do!

Bijoux said...

I never understood what electrostatic was, so thanks for the education!

Jeanie said...

I learned something new today! An electrostatic sprayer. What's next?

Anvilcloud said...

I know people who like to give me static, so . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you do find really interesting things to show us, and this 100 percent is something i may have missed unless pointed out. unless i find something in Walmart, a doctor office or our yard, there is no chance of me finding it. that is the only place i go and has been for 2 years

Linda P said...

I'm willing to learn from others especially in blogland. Thank you for another thought provoking post. Happy travelling!

gigi-hawaii said...

I have not been inside a hotel room for a long time. These signs are quite reassuring, aren't they?

DUTA said...

I use a spray duster to clean and disinfect the interior of my PC and peripherals.
what's funny in the sprayers displayed in your post is their shape reminding us of a revolver.

Sandi said...

We live in Star Trek times!

Edna B said...

Thank you. I learned something new today. These sprayers look really interesting. You have super day, hugs, Edna B.

Marcia said...

You're right about the smoke free. It is either smoke free or not. No 100% required.

Buttercup said...

I wasn't familiar with electrostatic spraying until a minute ago. Now I'll be on the lookout when I'm out and about. Snow here, but only a couple of inches. Right now it's just enough to look pretty. Take care!

nick said...

I don't understand a word of that explanation of positive and negative charging. What evidence is there that electrostatic sprayers are actually more effective than simple spraying? I'm sceptical to say the least.

David said...

Beatrice aka Dorothy... I love signs that are obvious or are just odd. This is a good example of something that shouldn't have to be said. My favorite of all far...was one we saw outside an antique shop in Georgia. It read "We sell Dead People's Stuff". Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Rob K said...

That electrostatic sprayer looks like something Flash Gordon would point at Ming the Merciless.

The 100% no smoking sign reminds of the way people inject the word "literally" into every single statement, such as "I literally stubbed my toe." Is there are other way to stub your toe? Sheesh!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Interesting stuff, that electrostatic sprayer, etc. Never heard of it before, but then again, I haven't been anywhere in so long I wouldn't know...LOL. Yes, signs can be funny when you look at them literally or analytically. Thank you for sharing this with us. Gave me something new to think about today! Happy Friday!

William Kendall said...

I think you'd be hard pressed to find a hotel now where smoking is allowed.

Red said...

So you learn some things but you have to do more than look at things. It has to be something that makes you think.

Rain said...

Those spray guns are intense, I would have had a second look! 100% smoke free is a wonderful percentage, but I agree, why even bother adding it? I guess to pump up their image using modifiers lol! :)

Veronica Lee said...

I learned something new today!

Thank you for sharing this with us.