
Saturday, November 20, 2021

Thoughts & Prayers

There's no easy way to say a final goodbye to someone, whether family or friend. 
Sometimes we have to say goodbye without ever having said hello in person.

Sadly, I share with all of you that a fellow blogger, Mildred, passed away earlier today. Although, we never met, she was my friend, and saying goodbye is just as hard. While some see things differently, I don't need to have met someone to consider him/her as a friend. Strangers are just never-met friends.

Some of you may also have known Mildred through her blogging. She had several over the years, her most recent blog was called Laurel Wood (which she removed when her illness progressed). Although Mildred was no longer blogging, we exchanged emails, short on her part and longer on mine (it seems I'm never at a loss for words). She told me of being very tired and spending most of the time in bed. Last week, another blogger friend emailed an update that Mildred was in a Hospice House. Today, she informed me of Mildred's passing. She leaves behind her husband, John, several family members, and her beloved pets. At Mildred's request, there will be no memorial services.

It's been said that a door closes another one opens. Through a shared friendship with Mildred, I've met another blogger friend. A new friend never replaces, but adds to our collective friendships. 

As mentioned before, bloggers are a caring community. I know that Rita would appreciate your support and well wishes if you should pay her a blog visit.

You will be missed, Mildred, my friend. 

For anyone who would like to send a card or message of condolence to Mildred's husband, John, and/or to her niece Brooke, often mentioned on her blog, please contact me at my blog email. I have their home addresses, but would not post here. It may be of comfort to her family to hear from blog friends. I'm sure they would share with other family members as well.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Yeah, there have been a couple of bloggers who have passed within the last couple of years. Hate to see it. Then there are those who we never hear from again, and I always wonder and get that feeling of dread.

Very nice post -

Tara said...

Ah, such sadness for all who loved her. Loss is loss, near or far. We will all join Mildred at some point, and find out what the next adventure holds.

Rita said...

Sorry to hear about Mildred.
Thanks for thinking of me. You are a sweet friend I have never met, too. Bloggers are the best. :)

Margaret D said...

Oh that's sad. May Mildred RIP.
I had a blogger friend Mildred who disappeared from time to time along with her blog, over the years and her husband name was John. Proberly the same lady.

Jeanie said...

I have never followed Mildred but I know well the loss of a dear blogger friend and it can be as hard as a friend you've known face-to-face in the past. I'm so very sorry for that loss, Dorothy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I followed and emailed with Mildred for years, and am sad to hear she has passed away. I thought John would go long before her. when she quit blogging I lost touch with her, does she still have a blog available? I did not know about the one you mentioned that was taken down. do you know if her sister is ok?

Bijoux said...

I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. I’m sure you were a comfort to her all those years of blogging together.

Christina said...

This is very sad news. I didn't know Mildred but I feel sad for her family and friends.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Thank you for posting this information about Mildred's passing. She was a very dear blogging friend, and even though we never met in person either, she was very dear to me as a sister in Christ and a very special friend whom I will miss. To answer some questions I saw in comments above, "MadSnapper", Sadly Mildred took her blog offline when she got so sick. I feel sad about that because now there is no way to go back and read her posts in memory of her. Let that be a lesson to each of us...leave the blogs up so we friends can go back and helps with closure. Her sister Karen was also a blogger, but she has been in declining health for several years and no longer blogs. I don't know how to reach her, but I know that Mildred would call her every day while she was still able, so I know Karen will also be missing her sister very much. Mildred's husband John still has physical difficulties. I asked Mildred's niece about him and she did say that he has been able to drive a little bit again since Mildred was so sick...and that he seems to be doing a bit better. So please keep him in your prayers as well. Thank you all for your outpouring of love for Mildred. We are a unique and wonderful community of friends here. I don't know all of you, but perhaps some of us can become new friends too. God bless you all. Thank you, "Beatrice P. Boyd", for this post. Sincerely, Pam from "Closed Doors, Open Windows".

Vee said...

I have feared this news. Thank you for letting the blogging community know. I was in touch with Mildred the day she made the decision to enter the hospice house "downtown." I will miss our emails and chats. I believe, though we never met, that we will one day. I am glad that she is safely home with no more suffering or struggles.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have lost two blogging friends over the past eighteen months, one I had never met and one with whom I shared a passion for Barn Owls, and sat in his garden with him and his wife, sipping tea, nibbling on cookies (biscuits he would have said), sad to leave each other, with promises to do it again. Now it will never happen, of course, and I am wondering what will happen to the owls over which he exercised such excellent stewardship. Loss is loss, I suppose, but in my humble opinion, the loss of a blogger you have met and one you have not, are poles apart. Both sad - but not the same.

DUTA said...

I was not familiar with Mildred and her blog, yet I feel very sad by the news of her departure. May her soul rest in peace, and may God strengthen her husband and sister in this hour of grief!

Rob K said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.

It's so true you don't need to meet someone to consider them a friend.
There are a several bloggers whom I never met and I treasure their friendship.

Bindu said...

Sorry for your loss. I wish the bog was left behind for us to read....

gigi-hawaii said...

That is very sad, indeed. My condolences.

Edna B said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Mildred. It's true, Blogger friends are just the same as "next door" friends. Some of the nicest folks I know, I met through blogging. You have a super day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

mimmylynn said...

My condolences to all who will miss Mildred.

Polly said...

That's very sad Beatrice. I didn't know Mildred, but I know we form friendships through our blogs.

Doris said...

I met Mildred soon after I started blogging in 2010. We always stayed in touch through our blogs and through emails. Although we never met in person we were friends! My heart is grieving this loss but I'm happy she's no longer in pain. Recently I purchased a tea towel with butterflies....I think of Mildred every time I use it ❤

baili said...

seems like a huge loss when a friend passes away dear Dorothy
to me friend is a friend ,one who shares heart and cares ,it is not necessary that friend whom we know closely are more friend than those we never met ,it is about heart and soul not a body certainly .
i feel so close to my blogging friends and they keep blinking in my head specially if stuck in some serious situation physically or mentally ,i keep thinking of them just like i pray for my family and relatives i pray for them from the depth of my heart ,they all are special for me !
thank you for being so sweet and compassionate ,i really adore you for your kindness my dear friend!
may she rest in peace ,yes i knew her through her comments .
blessings to you and loved ones!

Lee said...

Sorrow and loss weighs so heavily upon us all these seems to be never-ending. Let's try not to weaken under the load.

My thoughts and best wishes are with you all...with Mildred's loved ones and friends.

L. D. said...

I am so sorry to hear the news. We were good friends and I sensed she had passed. My wife and I both were blessed in knowing her over the years. Her brother Larry and I shared the same name and she liked that. She was so devoted to her husband and it really bothered her when their roles reversed. She kept wishing that my wife and I should move to her state. That was so sweet. Thanks for sharing this information. It really is appreciated.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Thank you for mentioning Mildred, she was a wonderful friend. She used to email me also and I knew she was in hospice. So sad. My sympathy to all who loved her. I contacted L D and got Johns address Thank you, I shall send him a card.