
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Fall Walk in the Park

A couple of weeks ago, daytime temperatures were perfect for a late fall walk in the park. It wasn't our usual walk in the very large Mine Falls Park, but in another city park.
Greeley Park is the largest inner city park in Nashua, NH extending 125 acres from the Merrimack River, across Concord Street to Manchester Street. The property was originally bought in 1801 by Joseph Greeley, who passed it on to his son after his death. The land was deeded to the city of Nashua in 1896 by Joseph Thornton Greeley, the grandson of the original Joseph Greeley. Upon his death in June 1881, it was announced that well-to-do farmer Joseph Thornton Greeley, grandson of the original Joseph Greeley,  had bequeathed his Concord Street farm to the city for future recreational space.
The growing city decided to utilize the land as a large park, which would provide relief and open space to the dense workforce housing near the river and enhance property values of mansions along Concord Avenue. 
A couple of years later, a parks commission was appointed and provided with funding. The city gave the commission $500 to start the process of turning the farm into a park. This was a huge undertaking for the funds allocated. Trees needed to be cut down, farm buildings had to be razed and a site work had to be completed. The parks commission became overwhelmed by the scope of the project and little was done. 
Progress stalled until 1908 when wealthy businessman and industrialist John Cotton, a city resident, donated $5,000 to build a fountain and pavilion with public bathrooms from stone found on the estate grounds. The donation was matched by city funds and progress was made to change the Greeley Farm into a public park with a gravel walk and flower beds and picnic tables in later years.
Back at the turn of the century, five thousand dollars went a long way towards making the park a reality. Back then, a local newspaper editorial chided city officials for the long delay while praising Cotton for jump-starting the project. 
Greeley Park hosts many citywide events, most are free to attend. These include the Fairy Tale Festival, Halloween Fright Night and an annual art show. Plays and music festivals are held at a bandstand in spring and summer months. The park includes hiking trails, horseshoe pits, ball fields, tennis courts, and a community garden area.
We were lucky enough to visit on a day when the daytime temperatures were in the mid-50s and not all of the trees had lost their leaves. The park is heavily populated during warmer months, but the day we walked there were only a few other visitors.


Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, what a lovely park!! And I love hearing about its history! So glad it was finally properly developed into such a beautiful park as it is today, and that they have preserved it for all to enjoy. Love the gorgeous fall foliage. Thank you for sharing it with us. We are missing our lovely northern fall foliage here in Florida. That is one thing I miss about living in NH/Maine. But I don't miss the long winters. LOL. This was a lovely walk in the park with you. I hope we can go there again some day! Have a wonderful day.

Bijoux said...

There is nothing better than a warm fall day, once the leaves have turned color. Of course, I prefer my warmth to be at 70 degrees, but upper 50’s is doable! You captured some lovely views.

Marcia said...

Some lovely leaf colors there. Ours are almost all gone here.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the trees are so beautiful and it was worth the work even though it took years... there are people on this earth that have never seen trees like these and that amazes me... think about people in deserts, the trees they have are nothing like these.. trees are one of my favorite things

DUTA said...

Great autumn colors in the pictures of your post!
Best time of the year to visit such a grand park!

Edna B said...

Such beautiful photos of the trees in all their Autumn colors. Every town and city should have a beautiful park where folks can relax and enjoy nature. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
p.s. It was a letter to you that I got back in my mail yesterday. I'll put it in a new envelope and re-mail it.

Anvilcloud said...

Despit a slow start, it looks like it was been developed really well from what i can see. Ut’s nice to see colour since almost all of ours is gone. At lest it is bright out today. It makes November look a little better.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

A great park for the community to be able to enjoy. One of the joys of blogging is being able to watch the seasons unfold across the globe.

mimmylynn said...

Such pretty colors. I love fall.

Red said...

Well done. Lots of individual specimens.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a lovely park, and many thanks for sharing the information.
I enjoyed seeing all the wonderful Autumn colours.

All the best Jan

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful park - Thanks for sharing.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots of the fall colours.

L. D. said...

It is so wonderful that you have such a great park area with great fall leaves. It reminds me of when I was a kid and our farm had 180 of timber on it and we would walk it most of the seasons exploring the creek an seeing the wildflowers. Your photos are really great ones.

Rita said...

What a lovely, lovely park! :)

Lee said...

A beautiful stroll. The band rotunda reminds me so much of my childhood...and the rotunda in Gympie's (my childhood hometown)Memorial Park. :)

Margaret D said...

So many different colours in autumn and you certainly have showed many.

Veronica Lee said...

I absolutely love the fall colors!

Wish we had fall here in our forever summer corner of the world!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Looks like a lovely place for a walk, Beatrice. Now all that remains is for you to return and compile a bird list! I am sure the authorities will appreciate it as they annotate your results, print them and sell them for a dollar a sheet! Knowledge and a fundraiser combined into one!

Polly said...

I prefer hot weather but I do love fall, (autumn as we Brits call it :-)). A walk in a beautiful park on a glorious autumn day lifts the spirits. Beautiful photos Beatrice.

Latane Barton said...

I think maples make for the most colorful Fall scene ever! You enjoy your walks... soon it will be freezing cold.... brrrr.

gigi-hawaii said...

I just love looking at all your photos! It must be lovely to experience Fall like you do. Here in Hawaii, we don't have Fall.

Michelle said...

You have beautiful colors there. Fall is my favorite season.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! I think you hit every color on the "Fall spectrum" with these shots, Dorothy. Great walk for sure!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It's a beautiful park Dorothy! And New England Autumn colors are wonderful. "Leaf peeping' was the goal of our first RV trip out of the western states ... and we accomplished it!! Getting to Vermont and your State in late September and spending a bit over a month if I remember correctly! We loved every moment of it. Leaves, history, people, food, the towns -- just everything ... it was a very special time that we won't forget ever. Thanks for your beautiful pictures and for the memories!!

Jeanie said...

Oh Dorothy, you hit it at the perfect time, didn't you? What a gorgeous park and the perfect time of year to enjoy it at its best.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

So lovely and full of autumn color!

Linda said...

We have next to NO fall color here in my part of Texas so I absolutley loved seeing yours!

Karen Lakis said...

The colors are stunning. This looks like a beautiful park and I especially like that they hold events there.