
Monday, September 6, 2021

Mysteries No More

While last week's Friday Funnies mystery photos failed to stump several folks, they did mystify some others. Here's the BIG reveal.

So you won't need to go back to the earlier post, here's what was shown there.
Here's what these are in more recognizable forms — milkweed and a black walnut.
Sometimes, even ordinary things can appear quite different.

Thanks for playing along and to all who got it braggin' rights to all of you.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had no clue, they looked like a prehistoric bird and a skull to me. what a surprise

Margaret D said...

Interesting indeed

Jon said...

They look a little less intimidating in the recognizable forms.

Anonymous said...

I recognized the walnut, but not the milkweed. Thank you for revealing the answers!

Marcia said...

I got both right. Hope you're enjoying your getaway. We have overnight company coming today - friends from MD who were north to attend a wedding. Then it's off to Maine we go.

Bijoux said...

Yeah! It was a fun game.

DUTA said...

I'm never good at this kind of things, so I won't even try to guess.

Emma Springfield said...

Pardon me. I have to go get a cast put on my arm. I think I broke it patting myself on the back.

Jeanie said...

That was fun! Who knew?!

William Kendall said...

I was stumped.

Rita said...

I recognized the milkweed, but I'd never seen a shelled black walnut so no clue there. :)

Kathy said...

I did recognize the milkweed but didn't know what it was called. I've never seen a black walnut, so that was a complete mystery.

David said...

Beatrice, Very clever! Sure had me stumped... I should have recognized the walnut as in years long past I'd helped my mother shell so many of them. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

My name is Erika. said...

I can now see it is milkweed. Good eye to catch these.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I missed last week, but would like to think I'd have recognized the walnut -- that is the big tree in my daughter and SIL's backyard that I've posted about a million times. But maybe not -- I've never cracked one. What a very creative post! (both of them actually Friday's and this answer). I like the way you think!

baili said...

that was very smart of you to capture them as brilliantly dear Dorothy :)

i agree sometimes ordinary things appear totally different persona :)

amazing job

Edna B said...

I guessed, but somehow they look much better in the second photo. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Carola Bartz said...

Unfortunately I didn't see the "mystery" post first, it would have been interesting to figure out what it was. It is great that you take photos of these small things that are so often overlooked and then let us guess what it is.

Veronica Lee said...

That was fun! I wouldn't have guessed it!

Happy Wednesday!