
Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday Funnies

We've seen many of these signs (or similar ones) on travels along New England roadways.
But, this was the only one we came across on our recent road trip in parts of NH and MA.
Grenville had a couple of up-close encounters with these friendly "critters."
It's the 3-day Labor Day weekend here in the U.S. and considered as the "last summer holiday weekend" with the actual holiday on Monday. As some school children have returned to classes or will be returning next week, please be cautious on the roadways. 

We're going to a community theater production and a backyard get-together on Saturday and avoiding road trips on holiday weekends. How about you? 

Enjoy Your weekend, Everyone. 
Safe travels if on the road.


baili said...

lots of fun to see these interesting signs dear friend :)

images are cool indeed :)

happy labor day!

best wishes for your trip

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have heard moose and elk are dangerous for cars and also dangerous if on foot. down here we have traffic danger every where we go. two friends have been rear ended, one rear ended someone and another the city bus hit their car when the bus changed lanes, that is in the past 3 weeks.

Bill said...

In Alaska, moose cause of lot of accidents especially when it gets dark early. A few people were killed when we lived there.

Mevely317 said...

It may be simply a result of watching too many episodes of Rocky and Bullwinkle … but I'm quite taken with moose. Then again, I might reconsider if I were approached by a living, breathing specimen. :)

DUTA said...

Enjoy your theater show and the backyard get-together!
Above all, safe travels to you, as the roads during the last week of
August are very dangerous indeed (especially because of kids going back to school)!

Emma Springfield said...

Is he okay? That last picture shows the bear ready to do some real harm.

William Kendall said...

Enjoy your weekend!

I'm thinking of taking in an art gallery.

likeschocolate said...

Thank you for all your sweet comments and happy Anniversary to the both of you!

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Backyard get together sounds very nice!
I'm preparing for hurricane Dorian, and hope it won't come this way.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

diane b said...

They are the best kind of wild animals.

Anvilcloud said...

It looks like you are set for a good weekend.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Have a good, and safe, Labor Day. We're bracing for the possibility of some rough weather … fingers crossed.

NCmountainwoman said...

We're not doing much. Just having our rare and special treat. HOT DOGS!

Rain said...

Ha ha ha! Love the bear photos!!! Moose can be very dangerous, they were here first so we have to respect them! Happy Labour Day weekend!!

DeniseinVA said...

No traveling for us this past weekend I'm happy to say. We did that the week before and the traffic was not so bad thankfully. It was a nice quiet Labor Day weekend for us.

My name is Erika. said...

I think you came across the best kind of moose. No worries of a collison. And they are certainly cute too! Happy September. Hugs-Erika

L. D. said...

I have never seen a live moose along the North Shore of Minnesota. I guess I don’t want to run into one either. Its a truthful sign.

Connie said...

I think I would be quite alarmed to encounter a moose in person. Fun photos!

Electric | Journal said...

I've been fortunate enough to have some close-up encounters with a moose... close enough for pictures, not close enough for danger! The moose is my favorite woodland animal. In Washington, they used to live within a mile of my old farmhouse (documented in a newspaper article). Today, they only live in the wild northeast corner of the state, where they drift back and forth across the borders with Idaho and Canada. But I've never seen one in my home state; just in Wyoming and eastern Idaho. The last time we traveled the highways across the southern part of British Columbia, most of the semi's had beefy moose-catchers across the front of their cabs, designed to keep moose from sliding up on top if hit on the highway. You don't want one of these huge creatures coming through your windshield!