
Friday, August 9, 2019

Friday Funnies

During our road trips, it's always interesting to see the colors, sizes, and varieties of bikes that folks take along on a car or RV.
This was the first bike and car photo where the bike color and car color matched. (It may be a bit harder to see in this shot, but the colors were a near perfect match.)

Thanks to everyone for your comments on a recent post about the home medicine cabinet and what's in ours and yours. This topic resulted in many interesting comments.

Enjoy Your weekend, Everyone.
(Forecast is cooler & dry here in NH.)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the matching car/bike colors and looks like dozens of different styles of bikes

Anonymous said...

I love that you photographed these vehicles and bicycles while on the road.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

My dh carries his on his black truck and his bike is black. I don't normally see bikes on vehicles around here much...someone would probably steal them.

Linda said...

That’s amazing - all those bikes! I suppose those traveling in RVs use them to get around once they are parked. We have bikes but leave them here in the country. There are lots of dedicated bike riders that travel with their wheels!

Rain said...

The bike on the VW actually looks really cute!

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

That’s some who really like matching colors😁

Have a great weekend Beatrice.

William Kendall said...

That's a lot of bike enthusiasts travelling!

My name is Erika. said...

I always look at that too. Not only bikes. Also kayaks and paddle boards and many other unusual thing. Happy weekend. Hugs Erika

DUTA said...

I ride a...tricycle, and it's red. I can't ride a bicycle; a trike takes up more space which can be dangerous both for me and for walkers. I rather like it, but in this heat to wear a hemet is torture.

Red said...

I applaud all those people who cycle on their holidays. Matching colors? Too funny!

Michelle said...

I love a good road trip and you see all kinds of bikes, and a lot of everything else, out there!

baili said...

you are so clever to capture all those views dear Dorothy

they actually look so funny as you shared them at once here :)

when i travel i read interesting stuff written behind vehicles ,they are mixture of wit and ridicule often

diane b said...

A funny collection of shots. Love the matching duo. Have you fixed your blog problem yet?

L. D. said...

We watched at all the ways people carried their bikes and also their canoes while in Minnesota. Kayaks are another thing we saw along the way.

Lynne said...

Fun post . . .
I crack up when I see a SUV, rack on top, 3-5 bikes
and then another carrier on the back end with even MORE bikes.
YIKES . . .