
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How I Spent My Bday

First, a BIG thank you to fellow bloggers who posted birthday comments on my recent post. My birthday weekend was spent helping out at a CERT training session where I received many birthday wishes and this surprise too. (Readers may or may not know that "Beatrice" is an alias used on the blog. Dorothy is my actual name.)
CERT stands for Community Action Response Team and this program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for natural disasters and/or hazards that may impact their community. In a 20-hour training program, participants are taught disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. CERT programs are available in all 50 states. More information is available on this website.

My husband "Grenville" (real name Patrick) is a retired firefighter who provides some of the course instruction. He's very involved in the program where his speciality is fire safety and preparedness. My contribution is helping out with various administrative functions.

There wasn't any birthday party afterwards as later that evening, there was a certain major football competition which Grenville enjoyed on the new TV. It was the TV he said was "for my birthday" that was shown in the previous post. 

My real "present" is yet to come as we're going on a weekend getaway as time spent together is the best gift. However, I did buy myself the gift of a new notebook PC to replace a nearly 8-year old model as "it was time."


DUTA said...

Enjoy your new notebook and the upcoming weekend getaway!
CERT is definitely something to be taken very seriously. Preperadness saves life.

Doris said...

I hope Pat enjoyed the big game. I’m not a football fan and didn’t even watch for the commercials this year....they don’t let them be a surprise anymore with showing them on news features the whole week prior.
Your cake looks lovely and I bet it was delicious!

Christina said...

I missed your birthday.... Happy Birthday! The cake looks delicious.
Helping out at a CERT training session sounds like a fun and interesting way to spend a birthday but I am glad you are still to enjoy a special weekend getaway together with Pat to extend the celebrations.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I much prefer buying my own gifts and good idea to replace that very old notebook.. anything past 3 to 4 years is out of date. my desktop is 8 and needs to be replaced but will not until it dies.happy belated birthday. I like the idea of the CERT training, it is good to know, teaches others and also a fun way to socialize

Kay G. said...

I hope you have dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz at least once in your life. What? T
You have not? Do it this year and have your hubby be the scarecrow. Wouldn't that be fun? Belated happy birthday!

Anvilcloud said...

Glad to see that you wren't truly deprived with treats to come. Enjoy the new notebook.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely birthday with even more gifts to come.

Valerie said...

Belated birthday greetings. I hope your outing together is the best yet.

What a pity you can't share the cake with your readers :))

mamasmercantile said...

The cake looks delicious, which I lived a little closer so I could have celebrated with you. The trip away sounds like fun.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

The cake is beautiful and looks delicious.

Enjoy your upcoming getaway. They are the best presents!

Michelle said...

Enjoy your upcoming trip. You two look like such a happy couple.

William Kendall said...

Have a good time away!

My name is Erika. said...

A few days away is the best birthday present. I hope you have a fun place in mind. But a new computer is fun too. Hope you are enjoying the new year of your life. Hugs. erika

Emma Springfield said...

I'm glad you got something more personal than the TV. I can't wait to see the pictures of your get-away.

diane b said...

Belated Happy Birthday. You two are doing a great job volunteering for such a good cause. I smiled at a new TV for you which Grenville watches. But I liked that you bought yourself a new PC.

Karen Lakis said...

A weekend away is a great gift! A new tv and notebook are pretty nice too. I hope you enjoyed your birthday and have a great trip!

L. D. said...

Yes, I hope still that you had a greet birthday. That was a beautiful cake.

Linda said...

Happy belated birthday! You guys are really such a special couple! I love reading about what y’all do!

Connie said...

It's wonderful that you help out with CERT--sounds like a worthy way to spend your time. I hope you enjoy your notebook and your getaway weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

Time together is the best gift, that is so true. I will be looking forward to hearing about your birthday weekend. I am sure it will be lovely.

baili said...

Oh dear Dorothy thank you so much for sharing these precious information about you and your hubby Patrick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heartiest best wishes for your happy birthday my dear friend!

i am so happy that you bought newr larger t.v ,such a wonderful thing to watch easily fav shows


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a great photo! Happy birthday hugs...coming to you this weekend! (you can still be celebrating! heehee) Love that you got some new eletronics...that's the best! Sweet hugs, Diane