
Thursday, March 15, 2018

It Ain't Over . . .

And it's also the same old story in terms of weather since last Friday's post. Like other New England cities and states, Nashua, NH, was slammed with another wintry  nor'easter on Tuesday. It started out s-l-o-w-l-y as shown by the 7 a.m. view outside our apartment window. 
The storm picked up intensity during mid-morning and snow and blowing winds continued throughout the day. The official total accumulation was listed as 15 inches. Needless to say, we remained indoors. That's why these photos look nearly identical to ones taken during last week's storm. These are from 2 different storms within 5 days with views from our apartment and hallway windows and the apartment building's front door.
Plowing continued throughout the storm on city roadways and in the apartment parking lots. It was still snowing at 5 p.m. when these photos were taken.
On Wednesday morning, the day after the storm, the  7 a.m. window view was very different than the one just 24 hours earlier
Most of Nashua's roadways were down to bare pavement within a few hours of daylight. In  New England, it seems that a foot of snow doesn't linger very long. (That's so unlike where we formerly lived on the VA eastern shore. There a 6-inch snowfall would shut down the county for almost 2 days.)
It's good that this city handles winter weather so well as yet another winter storm has been predicted for early next week. 

Spring might be a little late here this year — at least in some cities and states.


Anonymous said...

I am glad that your building did not go powerless. You still have the ability to post your blog on the computer.

L. D. said...

Those storms just don’t seem to stop. We have another snow storm coming Friday and through the weekend but we have melted everything away already. Stay warm and safe.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Great shot of all that snow and wow is that a lot of snow. I'm glad you posted all of these because this is a site I have never seen and will never see and now I want to know how that black SUV is the only one in all the pictures that is not covered in snow.

Emma Springfield said...

It has been some winter that's for sure.

Christina said...

That's a lot of snow! We didn't get new snow, thank goodness. It is bitterly cold though. Keep warm and safe. x

William Kendall said...

We had the same system, but being further west the amounts weren't as much.

Lady Jane said...

Yep, another one predicted, but I am betting on rain and sleet. This is a strange winter for us, we had a ton of snow in Dec and now March, thank goodness in NE we know how to handle these storms. But spring is just around the corner and snow melts, thank the Lord. Hugs, lJ

Anonymous said...

I wondered about you two when w were getting slammed...20"...And lets hope next week is RAIN!!!...:)JP

Doris said...

Seems the snow just won't that it's March! Our snow didn't last long but it's still so cold and windy!
Hope the next predicted storm is a no show!

Anvilcloud said...

We are not getting the same walloping as thou, but we’ve had more snow so far in March than in all of February.

Michelle said...

I know you must be tired of this snow.

Red said...

That was major dump of snow. I'm glad you don't have to shovel that.

DUTA said...

We practically have no snow, rain is usually scarce, but sometimes heavy. My chief concern are winds or storms - childhood trauma, I suppose.

Donna OShaughnessy said...

Love the view from your apt window, but then again I grew up in Chicago in a third floor walkup. We've had more snow this winter in Central Illinois than we've had the past 5 years but nothing like you folks. I hope when spring comes your way it will be sweeter than ever.

Valerie said...

Even the UK is having weird weather, with more snow promised for the weekend. It is almost spring, for goodness sake! Mind you, it does provide brilliant photographs.

Connie said...

Wow! So much snow! You have really been hit hard there this winter. Hope you have a nice weekend.

Ginnie said...

My gosh ... some lovely pictures but brrrrrrr! I'll let a few months go before I'll head north !