
Friday, March 30, 2018

Friday Funnies

Unusual way to park . . .
And, it makes getting out really challenging.

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

having been in a car like that it was not funny to me at all. the most terrifying thing in my life, it rolled 3 times and landed upside down smashed to smitherieens. this one looks like they survived, as did i

Emma Springfield said...

It must make for an uncomfortable ride don't you think?

Kathy said...

Oh my! I hope no one was hurt. I once witnessed a car accident where the car rolled over and landed on the roof. It was scary.

Michelle said...

This looks bad! lol

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sorry folks for not explaining about this upturned car, but this was not an accident and no one was injured. The car was purposely overturned as part of an extracation training exercise for a fire department.

Lynn said...

I'm glad no one was hurt. :)

William Kendall said...

Thanks for the explanation!

Happy Easter!

Connie said...

Oh my goodness!

baili said...

after reading your comment that it was not an accident now i can smile peacefully over the unique way of parking :)