
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Book Bargain Hunting

Who doesn't like a good great sale and, for me, book sales are a favorite event, especially a recent one here in Nashua, NH. 

The Friends of the Nashua Public Library held their annual book and media sale a couple of weeks ago on the weekend of St. Patrick's Day. As Friends members, we were invited to preview the sale (and make purchases) on Friday night. Essentially, that means first choice. I got lucky with a few good finds.
While I would not have purchased these books if they hadn't been found at the sale and it's not that we needed any more cookbooks. But, at $2 each, these like-new books were too good to pass up; the original retail price of each was over $30. 

And who doesn't need a recipe book for Bisquick — apparently, I did at only $1.
Actually, my buying was quite modest with just a couple of other specialty cookbooks which fortunately won't take up much bookshelf space. Preview night is also open by invitation to those who buy books for resale. And they were a lot of these folks with  boxes and tote bags filled with their bargains as well.
In addition to fiction and nonfiction paperback and hardcover books, the sale included other items too: games, puzzles, music CDs, and DVD movies. I added a few classic films to our collection: Sabrina, The Way We Were, and The Wizard of Oz. More great deals at only $1 each.

Have you been to any good sales lately — books or otherwise?

Thanks to everyone for your comments on our recent apartment kitchen update. While clearing things out and putting them back was took some effort, it gave us a chance for additional downsizing and updating as well. 

In reply to a couple of comments: The replaced Oneida stainless cutlery was saved for get-togethers (much better than using disposable plastic utensils). The new set is not only nearly the same design, but the pieces are slightly larger and heavier. We expect to be using this set for a quite a few years.


Anvilcloud said...

Sadly, our library stopped accepting books for such sales. I guess it was more trouble than the amount of income that it generated. And now our big used bookstore is also gone. Hmmm.

William Kendall said...

Our public library system does sell some books, as long as they're in good conditions. Most branches will have a designated section of shelves, but in the odd larger branch there's a set room aside. I'll look occasionally if there's a coffee table book or hardcover novel I'd like.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our library takes donations and sells what they can and gives away what doesn't sell, plus they keep all good shape paperbacks and have a special place for people to borrow the paper backs.

Emma Springfield said...

I could spend thousands of dollars on books. It is so hard to choose and I find I must always buy only a few.

Christina said...

I think we have the Jamie Oliver book. Same cover, different title, maybe because yours is the North American edition. I actually use this one quite a lot. My favourite recipe is the meatloaf (it is big, invite some friends if you try it). Love books and find it difficult to part with any. I am trying not to buy more. x

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad to read the comments about library book sales in other areas. This annual sale is the major fundraiser for the Friends of the Nashua Public Library and this year’s sale netted about $11,000. The sale proceeds are used to fund various library programs throughout the year, including movie nights, reading programs, bike clinics, outdoor summer concerts and more. Also, books are sold throughout the year on racks that the Friends maintain and stock within the library.

Ginnie said...

I am an avid reader and I love book sales. None of that kindle stuff for me ! I'm glad you found some goodies.

My name is Erika. said...

I would do some book shopping too. It's easy to buy books and I love digging through used book sales. :) Happy almost weekend to you. Hugs-Erika

diane b said...

You sure picked up some bargains. I have heaps of cookbooks that we rarely use because we use Mr Google for recipes now. Our U3A clubs have book sales with books provided by the Library.

Valerie said...

I don't know if our library has book sales, in fact I don't know if the local library still exists. Those magnificent buildings are being taken down left, right and centre. I like to watch Jamie Oliver, have followed his career since he was a young lad.

Lynn said...

I adore the library book sales (books that patrons donate.) I often spot books that I donated. :)

Connie said...

Looks like some great deals. Yes, our local library has regular book sales also. Wishing you a Happy Easter!