Sony pictures is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the 1993 film, Groundhog Day with a series of selected big screen showings in the U.S. and Canada. (FYI the film was released on Feb 12, 1993.)
Unfortunately, after checking the movie listings at theaters in our area, none have been scheduled here. Lucky for us, the DVD version is in our collection. We'll watch it tonight, but only once.
Groundhog Day (PG) runs just over 100 min. It has been named one of the best comedy movies and has never had a sequel, no over-and-overs. It remains one-of-a-kind, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. (We saw the 2 follow-up films to Ghostbusters, which were not as good or as funny as the original.) The film was directed and co-produced by Harold Ramis (Ghostbusters).
Synopsis: Bill Murray is a TV weatherman (Phil Collins) who becomes caught in a personal time warp. Along with an unceasingly cheerful producer (Andie MacDowell) and a wise-cracking cameraman (Chris Elliott), he's sent to Punxsutawney, PA, to do a live broadcast of the annual Groundhog Day festivities. On the way back home, they encounter a blizzard, which Phil failed to predict, and have to turn back. That's when Phil awakes the next morning to find it's Groundhog Day all over again...
We watch this movie every Feb. 2 and, while there are other comedy films we'd rate higher, this one is a classic for us.
FYI - Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today, forecasting 6 more weeks of winter.
Enjoy your Weekend, Everyone
Stay warm.
I tried and could not make it through that movie, there is another one that is the 24 hours over and over, can't remember the name and i could not watch that either. i find that if the whole world loves a movie, it is one i can't watch. like Wizard of Oz and Mary Poppins.
My favorite parts of the movie are when Phil runs around all over town to save people in distress. Although Phil and Puxutauny Phil driving the pick-up is pretty good too.
Watchable but not a favourite. Another six weeks of Winter you say, that gives me time to get some more crafting done before the garden and outbuilding take over.
Oh, I love this movie!
It is a fun movie. Have a nice weekend! Guess we are in for six more weeks of winter.
I keep missing this classic — o we and over and over.
wow this movie sounds very interesting i think i saw this acor(female ) in ghostbusters which was fun movie too
One of my favorite movies.
I LOVE that movie. I should buy the DVD of it.
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