
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Phil Was Right

Maybe there is something to the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, groundhog seeing his shadow on Feb. 2 and forecasting 6 more weeks of winter. We had a mid-morning appointment yesterday and the roads were clear when we left home, but not for long.

As we were driving home, 30 minutes later, this was the very wintry scene.

Luckily, we weren't that far away from our apartment. The roadways had not yet been plowed and were getting very snow-covered. The mill is barely visible here.
The quick-moving storm appears to have ended by late afternoon. But, a wintry mix of rain and perhaps snow is forecast for the overnight hours. 
Thankfully, we have no plans to go out today and will remain indoors. We hope that you didn't get another blast of winter weather. And hope everyone keeps safe. On the brighter side, by the end of this week, there's only 5 weeks of winter left to go. (We hope.)


Connie said...

We are still in the midst of winter here with another storm predicted to come through tomorrow. Hope you stay safe and warm.

mamasmercantile said...

It is the winds that affects this little Island more than snow. Thankfully there is no more snow predicted in the immediate future. You seem to cope with the weather fronts well, staying in and keeping warm is the best thing to do.

Emma Springfield said...

Four inches of snow for us today. I think Phil was probably being conservative.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am hoping this will be your last blast of winter for this year.... brrrrr and i would be indoors also

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots!

We had snow all day yesterday. Today started off clear, but looking out the window right now, we may get more snow again.

Red said...

Snow at higher temperatures can turn very hazardous. Good you made it home.

Valerie said...

UK snow has left - for how long I do not know. It is freezing cold though.

My name is Erika. said...

Oh that nasty Phil. I am ready for spring. February is such a cruel month when you are impatient for spring like I am. Hope you didn't have to drive in it. It was nasty. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

possum said...

Groundhogs are up North... guess it will be winter up there anyway, groundhog or not.
Down here, we check the Onley Possum... She says spring has sprung and gave us the first crocus of the year already. There are buds on the daffodils. Just picked a bunch of camellias for the table.
The nearest eagle's nest has eggs and a sitting mom in it.
ANd it will be in the upper 60s tomorrow.
Life is good.