Cold weather is definitely not enjoyed by many folks including these feathered friends.
These "snow" bird images were taken from a kitchen window vantage during wintry weather in VA a few years ago.
How many cardinals can you spot here? |
They seemed appropriate in view of the recent snowfalls here in NH. Unfortunately, the apt window views while wonderful don't provide these same photo opportunities.
I'm returning to a project started in late 2017 which involves moving all of my photo images from CDs to external backup drives.
It's admittedly a (very) tedious and time-consuming project to look at the images and decide on which to keep or delete. In the process, it's been fun seeing many again.
Now like this (very wise) robin, I'm outta here.
(We're thinking of those affected by mudslides in CA and weather issues elsewhere.)
Enjoy your weekend, Everyone
I had to feel sorry for birds during that recent cold snap.
I always feel bad for the birds during really bad weather!
Some beautiful photos of the birds out in the snow, it must be hard for them. I can't imagine the devastation caused by the mudslides, my heart goes out to all those affected.
I spot four cardinals in that one shot.
Red birds on the snow white bakground is a fascinating sight!
I always feel sorry for the animals and birds out in the freezing cold. I especially love seeing cardinals and their bright cheerful color brightens up a dreary day! Nice shots!
I always feel sorry for the birds when the weather is bad, yet somehow they cope, probably better than me! I counted three cardinals!
A lovelt collection of birds. I wonder if their little feet get cold.
Gorgeous bird photos. You had a nice variety of visitors at your old home. Happy start to your new week. Hugs-Erika
Thanks everyone for the great comments. William, you are correct in that I also spotted 4 male cardinals in that one snowy shot. It wasn't uncommon to see several males or several females at one time. And often there was also a cardinal couple. It was always an impressive sight.
My goodness - some beautiful images there!
AH yes, I remember some of those shots.
I love looking out my window at the birds especially in the snow.
Feeders are filled. Supposed to snow again tomorrow. My redbud looks like a restaurant!
Great photos! Poor birds look so cold. I love the shot of the cardinals.
you are so right that along with human wild life also suffer during this extreme season !
glad you did not delete these fantastic photos they worth keeping and watching again and again :)
i LOVED you rbird collection dear friend!
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