
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

It's M-e-l-t-i-n-g

Maybe it was the luck of the horseshoes shown in my recent Friday Funnies post, but the weather has changed dramatically in Nashua, NH, the past several days.

This was the Nashua River view from our apt window at the beginning of last week. While the river never freezes solid, there was a lot of accumulated ice.

We had a good view of these ice jams floating downstream.  Warmer temperatures over the weekend showed a much different view yesterday morning.
By day's end, the view had changed even more dramatically, not only was the waterway more open, but the current was visible again at least from our view. 
Temperatures will continue to be well above freezing here this week quite a dramatic change from the start of January. It's a wet start to the week as the next couple of days will bring a lot of rain but no snow. (It's a great time for us to catch up on some Netflix viewing as we're currently watching several programs on Netflix and Acorn.)
By mid-week, the rain is over and the extended forecast looks pretty good.

It's a great time for us to catch up on some Netflix viewing as we're currently watching several programs on Netflix and Acorn. Also, Grenville has taken up a new ham radio hobby while I continue to sort through photo CDs and copy to external hard drives.

Today's Update: Forecasters are not always right. After an all-day rain on Monday, temperatures dropped causing very slick black ice on walkways and roadways (attested to by Grenville who attended a meeting). Conditions haven't improved much today.

These are window views at noon time and 2 hours later (bottom)  — we're staying indoors.

How are the current weather conditions in your part of the country or world — if there's nasty outdoor weather, how are you spending your time ? 


Anvilcloud said...

My window is covered in ice this morning. I imagine that this will be the 7th Snow Day for the kids. The bussing site is down, but I can't imagine the buses running this morning although the melt should begin soon.

DUTA said...

Glad your weather is improving. It's so important to mood and health! I live in the Middle East, so winters are mild. We have no snow/ice ( except sometimes in the higher places like Mt. Hermon). The rainy days are usually few and short, so it doesn't actually disrupt life.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are bouncing up and down like the rest of the country but ours is nothing like your change. last night i was hot when i went to bed and the whole week before we were under two blankets. no ice involved.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such a lovely view at the river! I wonder.........does anyone ever try to ice skate on it when it is frozen? Such a great time to stay indoors and to catch up on movies and projects! For me, this kind of time is a time to scrapbook photos or of course, as you know, stitch the day away!
Wishing you good weather and comfy home time!

Kathy said...

We have been finished with the ice and snow for over a week. Yay! It's in the 6o* range here. I'm loving it.

mamasmercantile said...

We too have had great improvements in the weather, the snow has disappeared and whilst there is rain the temperatures are rising.

Emma Springfield said...

I will always take cold weather over hot. This year though I am ready for the cold to be less cold.

William Kendall said...

Terrific shots! We're slightly above freezing, and there was freezing rain this morning, so the sidewalks are a mess. The temperatures are going to drop back down again in the next few hours with more snow to come.

Anonymous said...

yikes - I can attest to the slick conditions this morning after falling and breaking my wrist! Did I just recently say that I love winter? I love your view of the river! I can imagine that it is ever-changing.

Valerie said...

Love the views from your window; something of interest all the time, I imagine. That's not to say I like the weather....

Connie said...

Nice views from your window. The weather here has been up and down too. I tend to spend a lot of time indoors reading, listening to music, and watching TV or movies this time of year.

Anonymous said...

Well, I definitely don't have snow and ice in Hawaii, so these photos are interesting.

Lynn said...

That makes me shiver to look at it!