
Monday, August 7, 2017

We're Home (Finally)

A big Thanks to fellow bloggers who not only read, but also commented on posts pre-scheduled for the 2 weeks we were away from Nashua, NH. (We arrived home over the weekend and are catching up on things here, and will be visiting your blogs this week.)

Unlike recent trips, this road trip wasn't all fun. The first few days were spent with family in RI to celebrate granddaughter's 6th birthday with all 3 grandchildren.
Family then gathered for beach time in CT where youngest granddaughter had her first toes in the sand experience. She wasn't as fond of the chilly water temps as her older cousins and preferred to stay on the beach with her mom and aunt.
The rest of the time (about a week and half) was spent at our house on the VA eastern
shore. It sadly remains unsold as described in this earlier post. Getting to VA from NH involves a stopover in NJ, coming and going, to avoid a 10-hour road trip each way.

Once in VA, yard work projects such as weeding and pruning filled the morning hours. From years of living there in hot and humid summer months, we learned to work early in the day. Afternoons were spent reading on the front porch. 

Getting online wasn't an option unless we went to a local McDonald's or public library. There's no internet access at the house, even cell service was sporadic. Did I mention that the house is in a small town? (Grenville said to add that the mail delivery pony came up lame.) It's not exactly a rural area rural, but technologically not as advanced as a larger town.  

Yard work aside, our most important task was to sign with a new realtor. This time, we went with a national realty firm vs. the independent realtor we stayed with far too long. While parting with the former didn't go smoothly; that's in the past now.

Before our VA arrival, we emailed two realtors to set up meetings. The difference in their presentations was eye opening. The first came prepared with analysis of tax records, area sales, previous realty listings. He'd visited the property, checked the house and grounds before our arrival, and was dressed well. The second realtor arrived with no paperwork, holding a cell phone, hadn't checked the house or yard, and was dressed very informally in shorts and a t-shirt. (Not a hard choice to decide as you've probably figured out.)

One suggestion from the selected realtor was an "aha" moment for us. Instead of suggesting that we spend $ for interior "updates" (which wouldn't bring a higher sale) he proposed that we trim or remove a cedar tree in the front yard. 

There was nothing "special" about the tree, except that we'd transplanted it from our native NJ. It was where we hung holiday lights for a few years. It didn't provide shade in the front yard and actually kept the lawn from growing below it.
That said, removing it was another not-so-hard decision. But the task itself was the tough part. Grenville started trimming some of the lower branches on the cedar and a nearby maple tree.
Since the chain saw was sold as part of downsizing, he used a pole saw to trim lower branches. After that calling a tree removal service was (another) easy decision.
We think it was a good one. This was the front porch view after the tree was cut down and all branches were taken away including the ones that Grenville had cut.
Neighbors who visited before we left said they never knew there were blue shutters on the front of the house. 

Now, we're hoping prospective buyers can "see" the house too. Better yet, we hope that the realtor change will bring a sale (soon).


Doris said...

I'm with the baby....I'd rather stay on the beach if the water is too cold!! Great pictures of you family!
Wow to the tree removal! It does open up the view of the house....hopefully this and the new agent will get your house sold.
Enjoy being home!

L. D. said...

When we looked at our house stop buy the people had removed half of the furniture and put it in storage to make it look larger inside. The tree being gone will make a more sweeping looking. It is a beautiful home and I really don't understand why it hasn't sold. A new realtor may just be the trick. Good luck on that.

baili said...

Hi dear Beatrice!

I am sorry that your house has not sold yet though it looks Beautiful and appealing. But don't worry my friend! there is time for everything and hope it's is closer.

Family time is always priceless and these lovely images reveal that how precious and sweet it was.
I loved your granddaughters specially that six month old little angle with her adorable face and cutest curious eyes.
Best wishes for the house project my friend!

Anvilcloud said...

What a burden this must be for you folk. Here's hoping.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I believe you made a good choice on going with a national realtor. these days internet shopping is what people do and sounds like you found the right realtor. the house looks wonderful with the tree gone. when I read it I thought, Really? I would not, then I saw the difference and wow. now the photos will show the house.. good luck

Emma Springfield said...

You know I have my fingers crossed that the house will sell soon. Then if you decide to visit the area you will have no chores while you are there. The kids look like they are having such fun at the beach.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such a fun looking time on the beach! Such cute little ones! What a difference removing the tree makes! That little house is so adorable! I hope it sells soon!

Donna OShaughnessy said...

Having one home for sale while living in another is very hard. We did that for a couple years. Yikes! The tree removal idea was brilliant. Homes like this one make me miss our big old farmhouse sometimes except when it comes to cleaning. The grain bin takes less than an hour from top to bottom each Saturday. Here's to a quick sale this time around!

Valerie said...

I love that house. When I was in the States (somewhere) I used to try and decide which house I would have if I moved. The one I liked best was similar to yours.

possum said...

It was great to see you again...
Soooo glad you changed realtors. It might even get advertised now!

I guess I am the only one who will miss that tree - but then, I live in a jungle here. But I guess it shows off the house better.

Take care up there!

Lynn said...

It's a lovely home! I didn't know you had a home for sale in Virginia - I hope the work you did while you were there does the trick.

DeniseinVA said...

Good luck, I do hope this new realator finds you a buyer. Great pics of the grandchildren.

Connie said...

Removing the tree does make the view from the street much better. I hope that works and attracts some buyers for you. My husband plans to retire in another year and a half or two. We plan to downsize and move at that time. I am already worrying if we will have trouble finding a buyer here. Time will tell, I guess.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog.
What a beautiful house you have there to sell, and taking that tree down opens it up and must let in more light too. Hope your new estate agent (what we call them here) does his work properly and gets it promoted and finds a buyer for you.

William Kendall said...

It sounds like it was a productive time for you.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks to Everyone for your comments both on the tree removal and the new realtor. We read and appreciated them all.
We agree trees are very beneficial. We planted the now mature crape myrtles alongside our VA house as mere sticks (yes the neighbors at the time, laughed and said they would not grow). The front yard tree had become a hindrance and not a benefit. It took a new realtor's view to show us that it didn't showcase the house well to prospective buyers who had to be able to "see" the house. And yes we are hopeful that they now will see it!