
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Holiday Rush ?

It seems that U.S. retailers are rushing the holidays earlier and earlier each year, especially one-day celebrations.
Halloween and Thanksgiving cards were on display side-by-side here in Nashua, NH in mid-August. These holidays are celebrated at the end of October (31) and November (23).

At this rate, maybe Christmas-themed merchandise will be in stores by mid-September. Guess I'm showing my age, but when I was growing up, hometown stores didn't have Christmas decorations up until right before or just after Thanksgiving — just like in classic films, Christmas Story and Miracle on 34th Street and similar ones.

What about you — seen any early holiday merchandise in your area yet ?


Anvilcloud said...

Maybe they'll get to the point of putting up the next year's stuff as soon as last year's stuff is done.

possum said...

Well, I just bought 2 Elf costumes to prepare for the Santa Train this year... minus the train. sigh. So here is someone buying Xmas stuff already. How sad is that? Ryder is filling up his storage shed with gifts for a thousand kids...
Some of us have to work way in advance. This year is gonna be rough with no train and training new elves and a new Santa.
So glad we don't do Halloween!

Kathy said...

Our Rite Aid has Thanksgiving and Fall items on half-price already. I count on this. I can't afford to buy things all at once or full price. So I get things a little at a time as I have the money and over a long period of time. When the holiday comes, I'm ready.

diane b said...

It happens here too. Even Halloween, which we didn't used to celebrate until recently when stores decided to push it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Christmas things are out in some stores now. I think they do it early because every thing is so expensive it gives people time to buy a little at a time. I loved it when the day after TG is when all the Christmas things came out, not any more, and with online shopping people can get any of it any time all year long.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Many years ago, my husband and I had a small store. It was always considered a sign of respect and proper decorum to wait until Remembrance Day (Nov. 11th) was done before putting out your Christmas window display and items. Now it is utterly ridiculous how early merchandise shows up in the stores. Back to school merchandise was set out in July (we go back on Sept. 5th and school doesn't even let out until the very end of June). -Jenn

Valerie said...

So the cards come out early and by the time I go out to buy some rubbish is all that's available. Methinks I'd better get ready for Christmas in September.

Emma Springfield said...

At least they don't have them year round.

Connie said...

It is crazy how merchandise items for the holidays are pushed on us earlier and earlier every year. All the more reason to shop online as far as I'm concerned.

Ida said...

I think the Halloween decor is starting to show up. - Yes, it's way to soon but I guess that's how they do business anymore.

mamasmercantile said...

I can understand craft stores selling Christmas and holiday merchandise early as things do take time to make but it does seem to be coming earlier and earlier.

Michelle said...

Too early and too commercial!!

Christina said...

Having seasonal merchandise so early takes the fun out of the holidays for me. It puts pressure on many people to buy and do more than they can afford and are comfortable with. It makes me sad to see how many give in to the pressure when all it is is commercial greed. I am firmly in the "don't think about Christmas before the end of November" camp (Halloween is not that big here, and we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK - yet). Our Christmas is low key and we just ignore most of the hype. We also have strict and modest limits for gift buying so the financial stress is never that big. Anyway, I could rant for a long time but I won't. Enjoy the tail end of this week. x

Anonymous said...

Yikes! That's pushing it a little!!!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

I saw Christmas decor for sale at Hobby Lobby recently. It was close to 100 degrees outside and they were selling Christmas! Like you, I have childhood memories of Christmas decor/sales beginning after Thanksgiving.

William Kendall said...

The pharmacies and card shops kick it all off in August here too.

DeniseinVA said...

It gets earlier and earlier doesn't it? All way too early for me.

baili said...

Here in my country shops get decorations and related stuff before months which is somehow exciting as i see specially ladies and kids enjoy window shopping and find it interesting to sort out what to choose and what to leave