
Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday Funnies

We ain't afraid of no ghosts today, Friday the 13th — how about you?

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.
(and be very careful out there too)


Connie said...

Ha! You see the most unusual things in your travels. Happy weekend to you!

possum said...

What? A Nog needs a Host?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great finds in traffic. and i can tell you i am not going to call a ghost... or maybe no ghost...

William Kendall said...

Obviously they're fans!

Red said...

No fear of ghosts here but there are ghosts!

Emma Springfield said...

No I am not afraid of ghosts. But to borrow from Gelett Burgess "I'd rather see than be one." (Gelett Burgess wrote the poem "Purple Cow".)

DeniseinVA said...

That's great! Isn't it interesting the sights we see if only we take time to see them?

Eggs In My Pocket said...

So funny. I read your comment on my blog about exchanging letters and I sent you an email.......I hope you get it. If not, please let me know.

Lynn said...

The TV news people were making lighthearted fun of Friday the 13th last Friday morning and the weatherman asked, "Have you been through Friday the 13th before? Did you survive it? I rest my case." :) I guess so, but when I passed people on the side of the expressway, who had been in an accident together, I thought they would probably blame it on the 13th. :)