
Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday Funnies

Signs can be found everywhere . . .

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are funny... bob is our poop fairy.

William Kendall said...

"Survivors will be shot again." Perfect!

Connie said...

Haha! Thanks for the smiles today. Happy weekend to you! :)

Emma Springfield said...

Don't you just love the witty minds that come up with these things?

Kathy said...

Cute. People are so creative.

Michelle said...

I have a no trespassing sign like that on my barn :)

Ginnie said...

Both signs are hilarious. Thanks for sharing them ! (I know one person who believes in the "Poop Fairy")

Lois Evensen said...

Yep, love those signs. I need to come up with something clever to post out in front of my home where the university students from across the street often leave their fast food trash. Hmmm. Perhaps something having to do with our home not being a gun free zone and target practice might work....

Lady Jane said...

I am the poop fairy here for little poop right now, Hugs, LJ