
Thursday, November 12, 2015

It's Beginning . . .

And, most of you know how the rest of that phrase goes . . . (hint: a lot like Christmas)

It's scarcely a week after Halloween and a full 2 weeks until Thanksgiving. But, this week on Veterans Day not only the local mall, but nearly all the stores within were decked out.

Whatever happened to waiting until at least Thanksgiving as in holiday films, Miracle on 34th Street and Christmas Story?  Then stores (and Santa) did not appear until at least turkey day was near or later.

YES, Santa was already in the house mall this week. (This shot was taken during a lull in the steady stream of parents and children.)

Retailers have announced "Black Friday" sales well in advance of the day after Thanksgiving. Several major chains, who shall remain nameless herein, are opening doors at 6 p.m. on turkey day. Lest you think that's a benign motion, most have stated that "deals" will be available online starting early in Thanksgiving. Many will be open overnight into Black Friday.

KUDOS to those retailers who are bucking the rush to very early pre-holiday sales. BOOS to  one chain from many of its customers.

Photo credit: REI 2015 holiday closing
Outdoor retailer REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.) announced that its stores would be closed on Thanksgiving and the day after giving the over 10,000 full and part-time employees 2 paid days off. Unlike other stores, REI is a "consumer co-op" and doesn't have shareholders to answer to. Its member customers fork up a one-time membership fee, and receive an annual dividend (usually equal to 10% of annual purchases). 

Photo credit: Nordstrom closing announcement

The Seattle-based Nordstrom chain is sticking to its long-standing policy of no holiday decorations until the day after Thanksgiving. Unlike other major retailers, its 118 U.S. stores won't be even open until Sat, Nov. 27.

Meanwhile coffee retailer Starbucks is facing a "red cup" backlash over its decision not to include holiday symbols, think reindeers or ornaments. This holiday season, coffee its cups are just red. 

Photo credit: Starbucks 2015 "holiday" cup
The company cites "purity of design" as its motivation. In a PR release, the VP of design and content stated: "we're embracing the simplicity and the quietness ... it's a more open way to usher in the holiday." No holiday symbols but, of course, the Starbucks logo is predominantly displayed on these simple red cups.

Our plans do not include shopping. We will spend the Thanksgiving holiday and weekend through visiting with family members in Pennsylvania. 

OK, rant over . . . What do you think of the ever-increasing holiday Retail Rush? 
Just wondering.


Anvilcloud said...

Good on the companies that buck the trend.

Blogoratti said...

Yep, all streets and shops are not left out in this build up to the holidays.

Country Gal said...

The people that are complaining about the coffee cups are doing the reverse action as the cups are famous now cause they have been all over the internet and news so why would Starbucks get rid of them . I mean REALLY? The stores have had Christmas up before Halloween was even started they do push things a bit to much don't they ? ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I think t is horrible!!...:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think the reason Christmas is out so far ahead is because everything is so expensive people need more time to buy all the STUFF they don't need.... the trees are 250 to 500 in Home Depot and the ornments will be at least that much, who could buy a tree and ornaments at one time. the toys cost more for one than i spent on both my boys whole Christmas. i preferred it the old way, but then i like it when women wore clothing that did not shut the butt/boobs.. times are a changing and not for the best

Anonymous said...

David does the shopping so I rarely get into stores. What I don't see, I don't miss!

Connie said...

I don't care much for shopping anyway and do most of what I have to do online. I stay home and stay away from the crowds of Black Friday. I'm looking forward to seeing family on Thanksgiving Day and the weekend after.

Doris said...

It doesn't bother me in the least....early decorations, Christmas music, Santa at the mall in November. I just LOVE Christmas!
Thanksgiving Day still has meaning for me and I certainly don't want to skip over it. I wouldn't go shopping that day, though. (But do confess to buying online early in the morning once or twice...)
The Red Starbucks cup....I love a peppermint mocha in a red cup once in a while. Never noticed the cup had designs on it! No kidding.
Happy Thanksgiving to you! (Can't believe how close it is already!!)

William Kendall said...

Christmas music in the malls are one thing that keeps me out of the malls, and unfortunately now it'll really get started big time.

Emma Springfield said...

I dislike seeing the Christmas decorations in the stores until after Thanksgiving. That said, I do my own shopping all year. I have children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren that I want to give gifts. If I buy a little at a time my budget is not so strained. Plus then I can mail all the packages right after Thanksgiving.

Lois Evensen said...

Very interesting. I have Christmas items in my on-line shop all year round and sell them all year round. Keep in mind that people come in looking for hand made Christmas items early to get the first pick of a limited number of available items. I'm not so big about tripping over Santa in the stores during the Halloween season, though!

Bohemian said...

I still have to take one Holiday at a time and not Rush into the next so that each can be properly Savored and Enjoyed. That said, I tend to languish in a Holiday once it's up, sad to take it all down and move on to the next. But, I do Enjoy the Energy of those who in Retail make the Magic happen so fast, I know that buyers want to buy early so they can have ample time to put it all up and Enjoy it and if you wait too late to bring in your merchandise that is Seasonal, you often have it still sitting there or have to deeply discount it. My Showrooms only have a small Christmas Village Scene at the Antique Mall I have Space at, that's all I could concentrate on since I was Enjoying Halloween, Dia de los Muertos Celebrations and look forward to Thanksgiving and the Autumn Vibe a bit longer. Having just Moved it's been difficult to also Decorate for the Holidays properly since I've had so much to do moving in to our New Dream Home and getting our Old Historic Property cleared out and readied for Sale. I do Hope your Thanksgiving goes as you envisioned... most of our Adult Children and Grandchildren don't live Locally anymore, but we still try to Welcome anyone who might be able to join us for the Holidays. Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

Anonymous said...

The first christmas commercials have been shown on tv now and I heard one on the radio the other day as well. Very early here in Sweden, they usually waits until late November and I still think that is too early :-)

I really can't understand the anger about those Starbuck cups??? People seems to be really upset, I mean it is a coffee cup that they will toss away as soon as they arevfinished with the coffee :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Ginnie said...

I stick with giving gift cards ... so I guess I'm a Grinch but I can't stand the crowds !

DeniseinVA said...

I haven't bought any gifts yet. Not quite ready or motivated either. Maybe it is because I don't really enjoy shopping. Happy Thanksgiving to you both, a little early.

Rebecca said...

I don't care about the cup. And I avoid the whole WEEKEND around Thanksgiving. I don't need to save money enough to put myself through that torture.